Certified Professionals

  • ESD Control Program Auditor Certification

    Maurici Ferrus Pinol

    Certified 2024
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Maximilian Widmer

    Alpine Electronics (Europe) GmbH
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Michael Bernecker

    Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Professional Device Design

    Michael Chaine

    Micron Technology, Inc.
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    Mike Chaine works at Micron Technology, Inc., in Boise, Idaho, as a Section Manager in the R&D Reliability Group. He has a B.S.E.E. degree from Arizona State University and has worked at Micron since 1998. Today, he is leading the R&D Reliability Group in the area of ESD/LUP design and development, and has two engineers reporting to him. He is working in the area of On-Chip ESD protection design for all advanced DRAM and FLASH technologies. These responsibilities include ESD wafer and device level characterization analysis, ESD circuit failure analysis, and ESD design and layout rule development.

    Mike has authored several papers on a variety of ESD areas ranging from ESD device test issues, ESD protection circuit analysis, and unique ESD circuit interaction phenomena. He holds more than 10 ESD patents and has several patents pending.

    Mike chairs two different IC device work groups; Human Body Model (HBM) WG5.1 and Socketed Device Model (SDM) WG5.3.2.

  • Device Stress Testing

    Michael Fortney

    Certified 2017
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Michael Jetzschmann

    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
  • Device Stress Testing

    Michael Khazkinsky

    Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
    Certified 2024
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Michael M. Hatfield

    Orbital ATK
  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Michael Mullins

    Geost, Inc.
    Certified 2024
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Michael Oelschlegel

    Viessmann Kuehlsysteme GmbH
  • ESD Control Program Auditor Certification

    Michael Prusik

    Microchip USA
    Certified 2023
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Michael S. Gale

    General Motors Kokomo
  • Professional Program Manager Certification

    Michael Schumacher

    Enics Switzerland
    Certified 2014
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    Michael Schumacher received his BSEE in 1986 from California State University Long Beach. He has worked in the USA for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Southern California Edison, and Purvis Systems. In Europe he has worked for ABB, Elcoteq, and Enics, all in Turgi, Switzerland. Over the years he has held positions in semiconductor research, systems engineering, test engineering, microprocessor technique instruction, technology management, life cycle project management, supply chain management, and ESD coordination. Currently, he is the strategic buyer/supply quality manager for PCBs, and ESD coordinator for Enics Switzerland.

    Michael has been active with ESD topics since 1994 and a member of the ESDA since 2010. He received his iNARTE ESD Technician certification in 2012. He is active in many IEEE societies (CPMT, ED and the Reliability Society) and is one of the authors of the IEEE standard on PHM (Prognostics and Health Management). His hobbies include skiing, running and family research.

  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Michael Stark

    Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Michael Steenbeke

    Thermo Fisher Scientific
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