Certification Overview

The ESD Device Stress Testing Certification is intended for individuals who are involved in ESD or Latch-Up stress testing ranging from qualification to TLP testing for ESD development. This certification ensures that a person has the latest information on the ESD standards used in industry along with an overview of the technical background to perform the tests or understand the testing results. In addition to learning the recommended test methodologies, a person will be exposed to common pitfalls in interpreting the standards and applying it to the testing procedures used in the lab.


Professionals share credentials online in today’s digital world. Paper certificates do not afford the same benefit. EOS/ESD Association, Inc. is using Credly™ to provide our certified Device Stress Testing individuals with digital badge credentials that complement the current certificates and cards administered annually upon certifica­tion renewal.



  • You stayed competitive and demonstrated skill now show it off.
  • Your free Device Stress Testing certification digital badge provides a way for you to show your verified knowledge and expertise.
  • Traditional forms of professional recognition, namely paper certificates, are not the best way to com­municate your earned credentials.
  • Digital credentials (badges) act as a way to recognize professional achievements.
  • A digital badge allows earners to share with whomever they choose on social networks, e-mail sig­natures, and websites.


  • Completing a program/certification offered online saves travel costs for your company.
  • Courses are developed and instructed by industry professionals who are directly involved in developing the ESD/Latch-Up stress testing standards.
  • Device Stress Testing certification guarantees current and up-to-date standards knowledge which will improve first time right testing.
  • Good publicity to your ESD/Latch-Up stress testing lab customers, showing test engineers and technicians are certified in device testing.
  • Employees who complete the online Device Stress Testing certification will gain knowledge concerning ESD/Latch-Up stress testing and ESD/Latch-Up failure isolations, all of which will save your company time to market, and overall cost savings.
  • No other ESD/Latch-Up stress testing program is offered in the Semiconductor Industry specifically for the ESD/Latch-Up test engineer/technician.