JulyAugust 2001

News and views for members of the ESD Association News bits THRESHOLD TM ESH LD Volume 17, No. 4 July/August 2001 Symposium............................. 1 From the Threshold chair ....... 2 Calendar of events ................. 3 Standards site license ............. 3 Kay Adams honored ............... 3 Symposium highlights ...... 4-11 Standards update ................. 12 CDM survey .......................... 13 Office remodeling ................ 13 Letters to the editor .............. 14 In this issue More Symposium Schedule ................. 4 Registration ............. 4 Technical tracks ....... 5 Technical sessions ... 6 Exhibits .................... 6 Workshops ............... 7 Portland ................... 8 Tutorials ................... 9 Keynote ................. 11 Visit the ESDA web site at www.esda.org The 23 rd annual EOS/ESD Symposium packages research, technology, education, and peer networking into the premier international ESD event scheduled Sep- tember 9-13 at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon. Comprehensive Tutorials, workshops, and technical pa- pers cover the latest information, research, and technology in electrostatic discharge and electrical overstress. With topics rang- ing from the basics of ESD and on-chip protection to the newest developments in the emerging fields of RF ESD design and transmission line pulsing, the Sym- posium offers something for everyone. And, this year’s keynote presentation by Tak H. Ning of IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center takes attendees from cur- rent technologies to looking at new trends in the new millennium. Concentrated Sixty-three technical papers presenting the world’s leading research, 22 tutorials 2001 EOS/ESD Symposium Comprehensive…concentrated… customizable…cost-effective from basic to advanced, 8 workshops for peer interchange of ideas and informa- tion, and more than 100 exhibits are packed into five full days of activity. And, it’s all in one location. Customizable Organized and programmed in four technical tracks, attendees will be able to customize their Symposium experience along specific areas of interest: Design and Device Technology, Factory Issues and Mate- rials, System Level ESD, and Magnetic Re- cording . Cost-effective With so much ESD education and tech- nology concentrated in one location in a single time period, the Symposium is a cost-effective way to focus on new devel- opments or to gain basic background on ESD. This year’s fee structure has been re- vised to provide additional savings for attendees who participate in the entire five-day program. In addition, individuals interested in the ESDC certification program will be able to take the certification exams on Friday, September 14. Special tutorials during the week will help applicants pre- pare for the examinations. Symposium highlights can be found elsewhere in this issue of Threshold . The detailed program is available on the Association’s web site, www.esda.org. The Symposium is sponsored by the ESD Association in cooperation with the IEEE. It is technically co-sponsored by the Electron Devices Society. The general chair is Mark A. Kelly, Delphi Delco Elec- tronics Systems. The vice general chair is Steven H. Voldman, IBM Microelectron- ics. The technical program chair is Joseph Bernier, Intersil Corporation. Tee it up for charity The ESD Association will sponsor a char- ity golf tournament on Saturday after- noon, September 8 at Langdon Farms Golf Club, Aurora, OR. The tournament is held in honor of David F. Barber, Sr., an avid golfer and one of the founders of the Sym- posium. Proceeds from the scramble event will be donated to two Portland charities: the Portland Ronald McDonald Houses and Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. Advance reservations are required. Con- tact ESD Association headquarters or visit the ESDA web site, www.esda.org, for ad- ditional information. FDA recognizes S20.20 The US Food and Drug Administration has given full recognition to ANSI/ESD S20.20 for use in conjunction with the manufac- ture, processing, assembly, installation, packaging, labeling, service, testing, in- spection and handling of electrical and electronic parts, assemblies and equip- ment incorporated into medical devices.