MarchApril 2001

News and views for members of the ESD Association News bits THRESHOLD TM Volume 17, No. 2 March/April 2001 New handbook published ..... 1 Research grant awards ........... 1 From the Threshold chair ....... 2 TPC makes it happen .............. 3 Symposium schedule ............. 3 NE RED program ..................... 4 Calendar of events ................. 4 Regional tutorial schedules .... 5 Standards update ................... 6 Charity golf tournament ......... 7 Moving up the ladder ............ 8 Journal of Electrostatics subscrip- tions ....................................... 9 Board elections .................... 10 Letters to the editor .............. 10 ESDA presents grants to fund ESD research Revised, reorganized, and recently re- issued, the ESD Association’s new ESD Handbook (ESD TR20.20) is now avail- able for purchase from Association head- quarters. continued on page 10 In this issue Northeast Chapter honors two The Northeast Chapter of the ESD As- sociation has presented its Founders Award to Walter Gately, Ex-Tech Plastics, and Jerry R Guiliano, Julie Industries. The awards were presented in recognition of Walter’s and Jerry’s contributions to the founding and early development of the Northeast Chapter. Northeast Chapter election results The Northeast Chapter of the ESD As- sociation has named officers and board members for the year. The officers are Ted Dangelmayer, Lucent Technologies, presi- dent; Jerry Giuliano, Julie Industries, se- nior vice president and treasurer; Joe Spitz, Liberty Packaging, vice president; and Ryne Allen, ESD, secre- tary. Boardmembers are Rick Asmar, Telco Systems,Yogi Anand, Tyco-M/A-Com, Inc.; Ernie Tousignant, T.E.A.M. Enter- prises, and Ken Morman, FLIR Systems Boston. The ESD Association has presented two grants to help fund research in the area of ESD. Each of the renewable one-year grants is for $10,000. One grant was presented to Dr. Elyse Rosenbaum of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign for research on “Models for Bipolar Transistors in ESD Protection Circuits.” This research aims to develop circuit-level models to under- stand the bipolar device behavior and pro- tection design. The industry is entering a new era in which device physics consid- erations are changing from MOSFET to bipolar modeling, especially with the emerging RF designs for wireless applica- tions. Accurate use of new simulation tools and models from the research will aid in developing and implementing ESD pro- tection designs for the new technologies. Association publishes new ESD handbook Produced specifically to support ANSI/ ESD S20.20, the new 132-page document is a major rewrite of the existing hand- book. It focuses on providing guidance that can be used for developing, imple- menting, and monitoring an ESD control program in accordance with the S20.20 standard. Opening with an introductory section covering the Basics of Static Electricity , the new handbook closely parallels the struc- ture of the S20.20 standard. The other three sections of the handbook cover Per- sonnel Safety, Administrative Requirements , and Technical Requirements for an ESD con- trol program. These three sections directly correspond to the three major sections of the standard, making the handbook an easy guide to establishing ESD control programs that conform with S20.20. Like the standard, the new page hand- book concentrates on preventing damage from electrostatic discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts human body model (HBM). In addition to the reorganization and change in emphasis, content and refer- ences have been revised and updated to reflect new technologies and new stan- dards. The purchase price of the ESD TR20.20 Handbook is $150 for ESD Association members and $200 for non-members. Contact Association headquarters for pur- chasing information.