SeptemberOctober 2001

News and views for members of the ESD Association News bits THRESHOLD TM R SHOLD Volume 17, No. 5 September/October 2001 New on the Web .................... 1 From the Threshold chair ....... 2 Calendar of events ................. 3 From the president ................. 3 Liaison activities ..................... 4 IEC standards update ............. 5 The “good ol’ boys” ............... 6 S2020 registrars ..................... 7 Mr. Static ................................ 8 ESDA in Singapore ............... 10 In this issue 2002 Symposium scheduled The 24 th annual EOS/ESD Symposium, sponsored by the ESD Association, is scheduled for the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, Oc- tober 6-10, 2002. For more information, visit the Association’s web site at or contact Association headquarters. Certification exam set for October 11, 2002 In conjunction with the EOS/ESD Sym- posium, the ESD Association will sponsor the ESDC professional certification exams on Friday, October 11, 2002 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Watch for additional de- tails on the exams and educational tutori- als later in the year. ESDA Web site adds members only and buyers guide sections If you haven’t visited the ESD Associa- tion Web site in the past couple of weeks, today’s a good time to log on to . When you do, you will find two totally new sections. Members Only section First, there’s the Members Only section, which can be accessed only by ESD Asso- ciation members. This newmember benefit will in- clude informa- tion and services that are available only to ESDA members. The first two features in the Members Only section are an on- line version of the ESDA member- ship roster and back issues of Threshold in pdf format. Addi- tional content planned for the near fu- ture include downloadable copies of Stan- dards Technical Reports and selected pa- pers from the EOS/ESD Symposium. Online membership roster The online membership roster is search- able by member name, by company, and by geographic area. Information displayed as the result of a search is the same as that contained in the printed version. Mem- bers who have chosen not to have their information printed in the roster will not have their information available online. Members also have an online option to not display their information. Accessing the Members Only section The Members Only section appears on the main navigation menu. To access it, you will need your ESDA membership number in order to create your own pass- word for future visits. The first time you visit the Members Only section, you will enter your ESDA membership number, then create your own password and enter an e-mail ad- dress. On future visits, you simply enter your pass- word and your e- mail address. Be sure to put your password and e- mail address in a safe place for future reference if you need it. If you forget your password, you can have it e-mailed to you. The e-mail address you enter on the site is used only to e-mail you your pass- word and to access the site. You also have the option to update your password and e-mail address. Your ESDA membership number Don’t know your ESDA membership number? It is being sent to you automati- cally in the mail. You may have even re- ceived it by the time you receive this is- sue of Threshold. All members are being mailed an ESDA membership card (see picture) with their name and ESDAmem- bership number. Keep the card in a safe continued on page 10 Association member ship cards have been mailed to all ESDA members. Use your membership number on the card to gain initial access to the Members Only section of ESDA web site as well as for other member services.