JulyAugust 2002

News and views for members of the ESD Association THRESHOLD TM News bits In this issue Invitation to the Symposium .. 1 Calendar of events ................. 2 From the Threshold chair ....... 2 EOS/ESD Symposium........... 3-8 Publications sale..................... 9 S20.20 seminars ..................... 9 Standards update ................. 10 From the president ............... 11 Corporate sponsor program. 12 ESD control in cleanrooms ... 13 institutional listings ......... 15-16 Volume 18, No. 4 July/August 2002 Dear Colleagues and Friends, Kon-nich-chua, Hola, Saalam Aleikum, Sawatdee ka, Ciao ti, Zimdohbre, Greetings! On behalf of the ESD Associa- tion and the EOS/ ESD Symposium 2002 steering commit- tee, it is my privilege to invite you to join us at the 24 th EOS/ESD Symposium in Charlotte, North Carolina. This interna- tional ESD event will be held at the new Charlotte Convention Center. Keep pace with tomorrow It’s an ESD Race to Excellence ! Technol- ogy is moving at giga-hertz speeds with tera-hertz around the corner. The ESD world will need to keep pace with new applications, new fields, and new prob- lems. Quality, reliability, flexibility, auto- mation, and supplying total “ESD solu- tions” will continue to challenge us. These challenges will provide opportunities and sometimes bumps in the road in manu- facturing sectors, factories, test, design, software, and product development. Are we ready? Are you ready? This year’s Symposiumprogram reflects the vitality of these new fields, interests, challenges, and phenomena in the elec- trostatic discharge discipline. The Sym- posium program—the technical papers, the workshops, tutorials, and exhibits— should provide a window to peek at the changing field of ESD. The EOS/ESD Sym- posium team has worked toward crystal- lizing synergy between the technical pa- pers, tutorials, and workshops, creating educational tracks throughout Sympo- siumweek. This synergy will provide both an educational and enjoyable event at the ESD Symposium. New events This year there is a special program on S20.20. Additionally, there are social events, receptions, luncheons, award cer- emonies and even a charity golf outing. Participate in the David F. Barber Sr. Char- ity Golf Tournament and help benefit a local charity in our host community! Please join us for this special event! Visit the ESDAWeb site (www.esda.org) for all the details, and register early! Li-he-tra-ot! Hasta luego! Ciao! Tsei jen! Paca! Dosvidanya! See you there! Dr. Steven H. Voldman General Chairman 2002 EOS/ESD Symposium Join us in Charlotte Bill Metz Bill Metz, Hewlett-Packard/Agilent Tech- nologies Corporate ESDProgramManager, passed away on April 23, 2002. Bill was a major contributor to the HP Workman- ship Specification for Electrostatic Discharge Control . He served in the capacity of “tech- nical advisor” for the ESD Northwest chapter and was active in the ESD Asso- ciation. Additional details about ESD Northwest’s plans for a memorial to Bill will be available in the next issue of Threshold. Charity golf tournament The ESD Association will sponsor its sec- ond annual charity golf tournament on Saturday, October 5, at the Charles T. Myers Golf Course in Charlotte, NC. Pro- ceeds from the event will be donated to the Children’s Miracle Network. Contact ESD Association headquarters or visit the ESDA Web site (www.esda.org) for addi- tional information. Download the Symposium program at www.esda.org EOS/ESD Symposium Steve Voldman