MarchApril 2002

News and views for members of the ESD Association THRESHOLD TM News bits In this issue Log in to the Members Only section New ESDA email address The ESDA has a new email address. For general email communications, use the following address: . The Association’s AOL address is being phased out. ESDA makes board appointments The ESD Association has appointed Kay Adams, Tech-Wear, as treasurer and Joe Bernier, Intersil, as secretary. Swenson named exhibitor liaison David E. Swenson, 3M/Electronic Han- dling and Protection Division, has been appointed by the Association board of di- rectors as exhibitor liaison. He will rep- resent the interests of the Symposium ex- hibitor community to the Association board. He can be reached at 512-984- 3153, email: Although the venue of Charlotte, North Carolina, may be new, this year’s EOS/ESD Symposium attendees will still be greeted by the familiar—a high quality technical program, representing the best education and the latest research and technology that the international ESD community has to offer. By combining technical sessions with tutorials, workshops, exhibits, and other events, attendees will be able to customize and concentrate their Symposium experience along their specific areas of interest. Technical sessions Running October 6-10, this year’s Symposium features more than 50 papers to be presented in parallel sessions. The topic areas comprising the nine technical sessions are Systems, On-Chip CMOS, RF ESD Design and Technology, MR Device Issues, MR Factory Issues, Simulation and Modeling, Factory and Materials, Standards and TLP , and Device Effects . Tutorials and Workshops The week’s events officially open Sunday, October 6 with a full-day of ESD tutorials followed by additional tutorials on Monday and Thursday. The preliminary tutorial schedule includes topics such as ESD Basics , On-Chip Symposium program taking shape Symposium steering committee members tour the Charlotte Convention Center as they finalize plans for the 24th annual EOS/ESD Symposium, October 6-10 in Charlotte, NC. Continued on page 4 Symposium program .............. 1 From the Threshold chair ....... 2 ESD design seminar ................ 3 Calendar of events ................. 3 Symposium promotion opportunities ........................ 4 Tutorials .................................. 5 Standards update ................... 6 Local chapter top ten ............. 7 Ionization ............................... 8 New on the web .................... 9 Charity golf ........................... 10 Correction ............................ 10 Volume 18, No. 2 March/April 2002