NovemberDecember 2002

News and views for members of the ESD Association THRESHOLD TM News bits Volume 18, No. 6 November/December 2002 ESDA recognizes contributors 1 ESDA volunteers ..................... 3 White paper issued ................ 4 Symposium paper awards ...... 5 Standards update ................... 6 President’s report to the mem- bership ................................ 7 New directors, officers ............ 9 From the Threshold chair ..... 10 Calendar of events ............... 10 Institutional listings ......... 11-12 Download Call for Papers The 2003 Symposium Call for Papers is available for downloading from the ESD AssociationWeb site. Go to and click on the Call for Papers link on the home page. ESD Press catalog available A new catalog of ESD Association publi- cations, standards, and promotional items is now available. You can download it from the ESD Association Web site, In this issue Association recognizes contributors continued on page 2 Three individuals who had significant impact on the ESD Association, the Sym- posium, or the ESD industry. Three indi- viduals who were recognized, honored, and thanked by the ESD Association dur- ing the October EOS/ESD Symposium in Charlotte, North Carolina. Three indi- viduals who were recipients of prestigious awards: Dave Swenson, Outstanding Con- tributions Award; Jerry Giuliano, Pioneer Award; and Chuck Ehrenfried, Founder’s Award. Three individuals whose efforts, activi- ties, and contributions are summarized below in comments made during the award presentations at the Association’s luncheon and annual meeting. David E. Swenson–Outstanding Contributions Award Comments and presentation by Ron Gibson The Outstanding Contributions Award is the highest award that a person can re- ceive from the ESD Association. It is pre- sented to an individual who has made major long-term contributions to the de- velopment or operations of the ESD Asso- ciation and who has had a significant im- pact in the field of EOS/ESD. David E. Swenson from 3M Corpora- tion has served the standards committee as a member of various working groups, chair of the worksurfaces working group and the packaging working group, and vice chair of technology. He made major contributions to the development of ANSI/ESD S20.20. He has also served as representative of the United States Na- tional Committee as a technical advisor to IEC TC 101–Electrostatics Dave has contributed to the ESD Sym- posium as technical program committee chair, vice general chair, general chair, co- chair of the ESD Association charity golf event, exhibits liaison, and presenter of technical papers and workshops. Dave has served in the operation and growth of the ESD Association as an elected member of the board of directors, vice president, senior vice president, presi- dent, and past president. He has also played the unofficial role of ESDA ambassador during his frequent trips around the world. These trips played a major role in getting the ESD Associa- tion recognized in Europe and Asia. It might be hard to believe but Dave also has a paying job. Dave has worked at 3M corporation since December of 1968. His first assignment was as a radiochemi- cal technician where Dave played a ma- jor role in the development of 3M’s ra- dioactive ionization equipment. This work on ionization equipment became one of the cornerstones of 3M’s entry into the static control industry. After nine years in the product development lab, Dave be- came the first technical service represen- David E. Swenson Contributor . . . pioneer . . . founder . . .