JanuaryFebruary 2004

THRESHOLD TM News bits News and views for members of the ESDAssociation Volume 20, No. 1 January/February 2004 HQ operations .......................... 1 From the president ................... 2 Singapore program .................. 2 Exhibit space ............................ 2 Glossary available .................... 2 February meeting schedule ...... 2 From the Threshold chair ......... 3 ESDA Standards Program ....... 5 Call for Board nominations ....... 7 What’s new on the web site ..... 7 NARTE certified personnel ....... 7 2004 Symposium ..................... 8 Program Manager Certification 9 2004 officers, board ................. 9 Calendar of events ................. 10 White paper available ............. 10 Institutional listings ............ 11-12 In this issue ESD Association Headquarters: A look back and now Continued on page 4 Call for papers deadline The deadline for submission of abstracts for the 2004 EOS/ESD Symposium is Mon- day, January 12, 2004. The final submis- sion deadline for the finished papers is Monday, May 31, 2004. To obtain the Sym- posium Call for Papers, phone ESD Asso- ciation headquarters at 315-339-6937, or visit the association’s web site at www.esda.org to download a copy of the Call for Papers in pdf format. New Editor for Threshold Terri DeMario has joined the ESDA head- quarters staff as a marketing administra- tor. As well as assuming the role of Editor for Threshold , she also has responsibility for the ESDA web site, marketing and com- munication projects, the Web Buyers’ Guide, and serves as the press contact for the association. Terri may be contacted at the ESD Association, 7900 Turin Road, Building 3, Rome, NY 13440; phone: 315- 339-6937, fax: 315-339-6793, e-mail: info@esda.org. by Lisa Pimpinella HQ Operations Manager Previous issues of Threshold have described The ESD Assoc- iation’s organiza- tional structure. Within the Busi- ness Operations of the ESDA is a box entitled HQ operations. I would like to share with you some details about that box. The best way to describe something is to start with the beginning. A Look Back: 1993 I walk to work. The ESDA Headquarters office is neither far from my house (nor any other) and is centrally located in the city of Rome, (Italy would be nice), NY. As I reach the building where the office is located, I travel through a dark cold entry and climb a full set of stairs to the top floor of an old bank building. I round the corner and am greeted by glass-partitioned walls: orange shag carpet, and my co-workers, who are office assistants just like me. Today I drive to work, to a rustic wooded office complex located in North Rome, (still not Italy) NY. I enter comfortably organized and efficient office suites where I spend my day. The office has a state-of-the-art training room, mail production room, con- ference areas, and office space that is The main office at ESDA headquarters will accommodate 5 employees in comfortable office suites, all with windows. Each workstation includes state-of-the-art computer equipment. Lisa Pimpinella