JanuaryFebruary 2005

THRESHOLD News bits The ESD Association newslet- ter, for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. ™ Volume 21, No. 1 January/February 2005 Thanking ESDA volunteers ....... 1 Program Manager in Asia ......... 2 From the President .................. 3 Calendar ................................... 3 Website updates ...................... 3 2005 Call for papers ................. 4 New Senior Vice President ....... 4 2005 Education schedule ......... 5 Professional certification .......... 6 From the Threshold Chair ........ 7 Symposium schedule .............. 8 Symposium location ................. 9 Call for nominations ................. 9 February meeting schedule .... 10 In this issue Thanking ESDA volunteers Continued on page 2 Call for ESDA Board of Directors nominations The ESD Association is requesting nomi- nations for the board of directors. See page 9 for more information. Symposium wouldn't be complete without the effort of the ESDA volunteers, nor would it be symposium without taking some time to thank those volunteers. At the 2004 EOS/ESD Symposium in Grapevine, Texas, ESD Association volun- teers were honored for their hard work and dedication at the 5th annual Volunteer Rec- ognition Dinner. Attended by approximately 100 volunteers and guests, the dinner was a time for volunteers to relax and appreci- ate the work they accomplish year round. Dale Parkin, volunteer recognition chair- man was there to help kick off the festivi- ties. “From the early days of barn-raising, when neighbors came from near and far to help to today's modern volunteers, volunteerism is deeply rooted in our his- tory. We don't exactly raise barns, but we do make a dramatic difference in our in- dustry and the association through volun- teering.” Several volunteers received awards for their contributions to the Association. Stephen A. Halperin received the Interna- tional Council on Education (ICE) Recog- nition Award, Kay Adams received the President's Award, David E. Swenson earned the Joel P. Weidendorf Memorial Next online course: grounding With our first online course successfully completed, we are ready to offer another. Grounding will be the next topic to be offered. Watch the website for more information. Award, Marti Farris was this year's Unher- alded Volunteer, Tim Jarrett was recog- nized for help behind the scenes of sym- posium, and Gianluca Boselli received an award for Outstanding Contribution to the Technical Program Committee, part of the symposium effort. The ICE Recognition Award, presented by Joe Bernier was given to Stephen A. Halperin for contributions, leadership, and achievements in the field of EOS/ESD edu- cation. The ESD Association President’s Award was presented by the association presi- dent, Ed Weggeland, to Kay Adams in rec- ognition of significant contributions, lead- ership, and management that has en- hanced the ability of the association to serve industry. The Joel P. Weidendorf Memorial Award, which recognizes achievement in the field of EOS/ESD Standards development, was presented by Ron Gibson to David E. Swenson. The Unheralded Volunteer Award is given to an individual who has consistently given of his or her time and effort to the ESD Association. This year Marti Farris was rec- ognized for her more than nine years of 2005 education seminars in Asia Bangkok, Penang, Singapore, and the Philippines will host program manager seminars this March. See page 2 for more information. 2005 Symposium abstract deadline fast approaching The 2005 EOS/ESD Symposium is not that far away. Anyone still interested in sub- mitting a paper for consideration must send an abstract by January 10. See page 4 for more information. Award presenter ESD Association Treasurer and Standards Committee Chair Ron Gibson Award recipient Kay Adams and ESD Association President Ed Weggeland