JanuaryFebruary 2006

THRESHOLD The ESD Association newslet- ter, for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. ™ News bits Volume 21, No. 6 January/February 2006 Program Manager exam results The first Certified Professional-Program Manager exam was held on Friday, Sep- tember 16 at the 2005 EOS/ESD Sympo- sium in Anaheim, California. The program was designed by the ESD Association and the test is developed and graded by the Program Manager Certification Coun- cil. After successfully completing the re- quired elements: an official file on record with ESDA Headquarters, minimum pre- requisite courses, in-depth examination, and a continuing education requirement, the ESD Association is pleased to confer Professional Certification status (for ESD Program Managers) to the following indi- viduals: Kevin Duncan, Seagate Technol- ogy; Carl Newberg, River's Edge Techni- cal Service, Inc.; Douglas Miller, Sandia National Laboratories; Thomas Larson, Trek, Inc.; Timothy A. Prass, Raytheon; and Robert Perry, Seagate Technology. The impact of the ESD Control Program StandardANSI/ESD S20.20-1999: Protec- tion of Electrical and Electronic Parts, As- semblies and Equipment (Excluding Elec- trically Initiated Explosive Devices) on the global industry has been extraordinary. The ESD Association's Board of Directors recognizes the need to offer a certifica- tion program for individuals that are in- volved in designing, implementing, man- aging and auditing ESD control programs in their facilities. The ESD Certified Pro- fessional-Program Manager certification program was announced in 2003 to serve that purpose. In addition, the needs of the technical community for certification of various technical specialists are appar- ent. The ESD Association is pleased to now offer an ESD Certified Professional- Device/ Design certification program as well. The following courses are offered ev- ery year at Symposium and at other times throughout the year. If an attendee com- pleted these courses in 2003 or after, they may be applied to the Program Manager Certification. Please watch the ESD Association website at www.esda.org for announce- ments regarding these exciting and im- portant new offerings. Program Manager Certification Seminars and Tutorials • ESD Program Development and Assessment (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Seminar) (2 day course) • ESD Basics for the Program Manager (full-day course) • Air Ionization: Issues and Answers (half-day course) • How To’s of In-Plant ESD Auditing and Evaluation Measurements (full-day course) • Packaging Principles for the Program Manager (half-day course) • ESD Standards Overview for the Program Manager (half-day course) • Device Technology and FA Overview (half-day course) • Electrostatic Calculations for the ESD Engineer (half-day course) • Cleanrooms Considerations for the Program Manager (half-day course) • System Level ESD/EMI: Testing to IEC and Other Standards (half-day course) To obtain additional information about professional certification or the 2006 EOS/ESD Symposium, please contact the ESD Association: Phone:315-339-6937, Fax:315-339-6793, Email: info@esda.org , www.esda.org. In this issue Call for ESDA Board of Directors nominations The ESD Association is requesting nomi- nations for the board of directors. See page 5 f or more information. Next online courses: With our first online course successfully completed, we are ready to offer more. Grounding and Electrostatic Discharge Effects in Integrated Circuit Chip Technologies will be our next topics to be offered. See page 5 f or more information. 2006 education seminars in Philippines The Philippines will host program man- ager seminars this March. See page 2 for more information. 2006 Symposium abstract deadline fast approaching The 2006 EOS/ESD Symposium is not that far away. Anyone still interested in sub- mitting a paper for consideration must send an abstract by January 13. See page 4 f or more information. Program Manager exam........... 1 Program Manager Philippines .. 2 Symposium location ................. 2 From the President .................. 3 Website updates ...................... 3 2006 Call for papers ................. 4 Call for nominations ................. 5 Online courses offered ............. 5 ESD In Asia .............................. 7 Volunteer Spotlight .................... 7 Symposium Exhibitors ............. 8 Device/Design courses ............ 8 ESD On Campus ..................... 9 2006 Education schedule ....... 10 February meeting schedule .... 10 And the survey says ................ 11 Calendar ................................. 12