MayJune 2006

THRESHOLD The ESD Association newslet- ter, for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. ™ News bits Sunday, September 10 Registration Opens ANSI/ESD S20.20 Seminar, Part 1 Tutorials Monday, September 11 Registration ANSI/ESD S20.20 Seminar, Part 2 Tutorials Welcome Reception (Exhibit Hall) Exhibits Open (6:00 PM-9:00 PM) Tuesday, September 12 Registration Awards Breakfast Plenary Session, Consumer Connectivity Solutions Exhibits EOS/ESD Symposium and Exhibits Program and Schedule Summary September 10-15, 2006 Westin La Paloma, Tucson, Arizona Tuesday, September 12 (continued) Technical Sessions Workshops Professional and Technical Women’s Reception Wednesday, September 13 Registration Technical Sessions Exhibits Association Luncheon & Annual Meeting Workshops Thursday, September 14 Registration Technical Sessions Tutorials Friday, September 15 Program Manager Exam Volume 21, No. 8 May /June 2006 In this issue Customize your symposium experience ............................. 1 Symposium fees ...................... 2 From the President .................. 3 2006 Plenary session ............... 3 Web Updates ........................... 3 Device/Design Certification ...... 4 2006 Research Grant ............... 5 Philippine Forum success ........ 5 Program Manager Certification 6 Device/Design Seminar in Germany ............................... 7 Exhibit at symposium ............... 8 ESD On Campus ..................... 9 Volunteer Spotlight .................... 9 June meeting schedule .......... 10 Certification tutorials ............... 10 Program Manager Brochure .... 11 Calendar ................................. 12 Device/Design Seminar set for Germany The ESD Association will hold a Device/ Design Seminar in Munich, Germany, May 22-23, at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reli- ability and Microintegration IZM, followed on May 24 by an ESD Testing and Charac- terization Program. See page 7 for more information. 28 th Annual EOS/ESD Symposium Tucson, Arizona, USA, September 10-15, 2006 Certification tutorials The ESD Association has scheduled Certifcation tutorials in Palm Springs, CA. See page 10 f or details. Symposium 4 months away The EOS/ESD Symposium continues to take shape as we move into the final stages of preparation and organization. See page 1 f or a summary of this year’s symposium schedule. 2006 Research Grant The ESD Association Board of Directors is pleased to announce the competition for research grants for 2006-2007. See page 5 for more information. Create a customized Symposium experience Continued on page 2 The EOS/ESD Symposium continues to be the best source for ESD information and solutions. Attendees will be able to customize their Symposium experience to concentrate on their specific areas of in- terest. Tutorials A full three-day program of educational tutorials provides opportunities for in- depth exploration of specific topic areas. Featuring basic, intermediate, and ad- vanced courses, the tutorial program is organized along parallel tracks to allow attendees to easily create an individual educational experience in specific catego- ries of interest. Attendees may select courses from any track. Track Designation The TFAS track designation indicates those tutorials that are part of Track 1: ESD Test, Failure Analysis, and Systems. The FMEC track designation indicates those tutorials that are part of Track 2: Factory, Materials, and ESD Control. The DDT track designation indicates those tutorials that are part of Track 3: Device, Design, and Technology.