NovemberDecember 2006

THRESHOLD The ESD Association newsletter, for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. ™ News bits Volume 21, No.12 November/December 2006 In this issue Celebrating Achievement........1 From the President................ 3 Women’s Reception.................4 ESDA Research Grant. ............4 ESD On Campus Program.......5 ESD Annual Report..................6 2007 IEW Conference. .............7 February Meeting Schedule....8 Update on S20.20.....................8 Workshop Wrap-up..................9 Survey Says............................11 Calendar..................................12 S20.20 Update ESDA S20.20, Standard for the Develop- ment of an Electrostatic Discharge Control Program, is getting a small facelift. See page 8 for more information. Exhibit at the Symposium It’s not too early to make your plans to exhibit at the 2007 EOS/ESD Symposium. Booth space is going fast. Act soon for the best booth location. See page 10 for the details. Call for Presentations The International ESD Workshop (IEW) is closely aligned with the EOS/ESD Sympo- sium for collaborative conference activities. See page 7 for more information. Celebrating Achievement Continued on page 2 There are always individuals who, in their achievements, go above and beyond the call of duty. The ESD Association annually recognizes those individuals who have made a lasting impact on the Association or industry. Portions of the award presentations, which took place at the EOS/ESD Sympo- sium in Tucson, Arizona this past Septem- ber, are included here to share the achieve- ments of this year’s award winners. Andy Murello President’s Award Comments and presentation by Lisa Pimpinella It is my honor and great pleasure to pres- ent the President’s award this evening. The President’s award is presented in recognition of significant contributions, leadership and management that has en- hanced our operations and effectiveness in serving industry and our organization. The volunteer we are honoring this eve- ning has been an association member for 22 years and has been a volunteer of the Symposium for 18 years. In industry our volunteer worked for RCA for 24 years, GE and Harris for 2 years each, and was responsible for packaging of semiconductors. He retired in 1991. He often remarks how much this Asso- ciation has given him and his love for the volunteer service he performs. I personally have worked with him at the Symposium for 10 years and his bright smile at 6 AM still surprises me. He is truly ready to help everyone and arrives a day early at the event venue to walk the symposium space and ensure he knows the layout. He learns the master schedule better than I can, and is the only one who holds the distinction of beating me to the registration area each morning. He and his wife ran the hospitality and spouse programs, and were always terrific hosts. He often remarks that running the hospitality and spouse program was the best job of all; he had his best friend Doris by his side and spent the day with all of the lovely ladies of ESD. It is my sincere pleasure and honor to present this year’s President’sAward to Mr. Andy Murello. John Kinnear Outstanding Contributions Award The Outstanding Contributions Award is awarded to an individual who has made a major contribution to either the develop- ment or the operation of the ESD Associa- tion or has had a significant impact in the field of EOS/ESD. Potential candidates for the Outstanding Contributions Award are not required to be members of the ESDAs- sociation. The final selection is approved by EXCOM. Ron Gibson presented this award to John Kinnear of IBM Corporation. Mike Manders Joel P. Weidendorf Memorial Award The Joel Weidendorf Memorial Standards Award is presented to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the de- velopment of ESD Association Standards. This year’s award was presented to Mike Andy Murello (center) receives the President’s Award from Kay Adams, President (left) and Lisa Pimpinella (right) Operations Manager. ESDA Research Grant ESD continues to be part of the engineer- ing students’ curriculum now at numerous universities and research institutes in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. See page 4 for more information.