SeptemberOctober 2006

THRESHOLD The ESD Association newsletter, for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. ™ News bits Volume 21, No.10 September/October 2006 In this issue Symposium Review.................1 General Chair’s Review...........2 ESDA Elections........................2 Volunteer Spotlight..................2 From the President..................3 2007 EOS/ESD Symposium.....3 ESD On Campus Program.......4 2007 IEW Conference. .............5 Update on Standards...............7 2007 Call for Papers.................8 New Standards Available. .....10 Presentations on CD..............10 Survey Says............................11 Calendar..................................12 Presentations on CD Several EOS/ESD Symposium presenta- tions, including presentation visuals and audio, are now available on CD-ROM . See page 10 f or more information. Download call for papers The 2007 EOS/ESD Symposium call for papers is available in PDF format from the ESDA website at . See page 8 o f this issue for more information. 2007 EOS/ESD Symposium 2007 will find the EOS/ESD Symposium in beautiful Anaheim, California. The Disneyland® Hotel will host the 29th annual EOS/ESD Symposium, September 16-21, 2007. See page 3 for more information. like to thank all the volunteers that put in many hours preparing for it and working through the week.” Although many of the Symposium at- tendees were regulars, there were a larger number of first time visitors this year. “I believe the number of first time attendees reflects the growing importance of the Sym- posium,” said Newberg. The week began with the Tutorial Pro- gram. Over 200 people participated in the Program Manager and Device Design courses on Sunday, Monday and Thursday. Participation in these programs led to the opportunity to achieve professional certifi- cation. Twelve people took the Program Manager exam at the end of the Symposium in hopes of joining the six certified Program Managers from last year. Results of the exam will be posted in the near future. Monday evening featured the Exhibitor Reception, where attendees could visit over 60 exhibitor booths, learn about new products, ask questions, and network with others in the industry. The exhibits con- tinued Tuesday and remained open until Wednesday noon. Plans are already underway for the 2007 EOS/ESD Symposium to be held at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim,CA, September 16th through September 21st. The Disneyland Hotel is the site of one of the best attended Symposiums, and volun- teers are working hard to make next year even better.  Whether it was the educational offer- ings or the breathtaking venue, the 28th annual EOS/ESD Symposium has been declared a success.  More than 420 people flocked to Tucson, AZ to take in ESD tutorials, workshops and technical sessions. They also were able to enjoy the wonderful experience that is the Westin La Paloma resort. “There have been a number of people that have told me that we can have all our Symposiums here,” said KayAdams, ESD Association President. “We will be back in 2008 for the 30th EOS/ESD Symposium.”  Several ESDA volunteers put in many hours planning the details for the events, from the facility arrangements to the technical program and exhibit hall. “The attendee surveys indicated that this Symposium was the best that many had attended,” said Symposium General Chair, Carl Newberg. “I would 28th Annual EOS/ESD Symposium a Success! C a l l f o r P r e s e n t a t i o n s The International ESD Workshop (IEW) is closely aligned with the EOS/ESD Symposium for collaborative conference activities. See page 5 for details.