JanuaryFebruary 2007

THRESHOLD TM News Bits In this issue The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and con- trol of electrostatic discharge. Volume 23, No. 1 January/February 2007 Numerous important topics were dis- cussed among 17 members of the Board of Directors (BoD) when they met at ESDA Headquarters in Rome, New York, for their Annual Board Meeting. “Our team shared information from our various events in 2006, such as an incred- ibly successful Symposium, and mapped out an aggressive education schedule and plan of action for next year,” said Kay Ad- ams, Tech Wear, Inc., president of ESDA. When reviewing highlights from 2006, the BoD declared the 2006 EOS/ESD Sym- posium in Tucson, Arizona, a success. General Chair, Carl Newberg, of Microstat Labs, stated that based on survey results and verbal feedback from both vendors and attendees, Symposium 2006 was a re- sounding success. During their formal meeting, board members voted to approve a resolution to have ESD Association’s Symposium tech- nical papers posted on IEEExplore. “I be- lieve this was a very important action for the Board to take,” said Adams. Some other actions of the board includ- ed the appointments of several new Busi- ness Unit Managers. More information is BoD Meets to Review 2006; Plan 2007 Happy New Year and best wishes from the ESDA Board of Directors. available on page 2 of this newsletter. In addition to formal meetings with the entire board, the group also broke out into various smaller groups. These small- er groups focused on items such as Stan- dards, Tutorials, Workshops, Symposium, Marketing and Communications, and Hu- man Resources. Various detailed topics were discussed during these break-out sessions, and many of the plans for 2007 were developed at these sessions. “This year can be very successful for our organization,” said Lisa Pimpinella, Operations Manager at Headquarters. “With the various opportunities we plan to explore with regard to education and Symposium, our potential for growth is unlimited.” Overall, there was an excitement about the many ways in which the organi- zation can grow, and about the new lead- ership positions. The BoD will meet again during Feb- ruary in Anaheim, California. p BoD Annual Meeting . ................ 1 ESDA Goals & Plans.................. 2 New Leadership Announced...... 2 2007 Education Schedule.......... 3 Certification Classes. ................. 4 IEW Update................................ 5 Prgm. Mgr. Certification Results... 6 Website Update.......................... 6 ESD on Campus. ....................... 7 Call For 2008 BoD Nominations... 8 Symposium Site......................... 9 Volunteer Spotlight..................... 9 Symposium Papers Deadline..... 10 Symposium Exhibitors................ 10 ESDA Research Grant............... 11 Calendar..................................... 12 Education Schedule Posted Be sure to review the 2007 Education Schedule for the many opportunities avail- able. See page 3 for more information. IEW Update New information regarding the IEW can be found on page 5. Program Manager Certification Results Seven members achieved Program Man- ager Certification. See page 6 for details. Symposium Papers Deadline Fast Approaching The deadline to submit Papers for the Symposium is January 12. See page 10 for additional information about the Papers deadline. Research Grant ESDA provides research grant. See page 11 for more information.