July/August 2007

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. News Bits In this issue Volume 23, No. 4 July/August 2007 The ESD Association’s annual Symposium, the world’s premier event focused on electrical over- stress (EOS) and electrostatic discharge (ESD), takes place at the Disneyland ® Hotel in Ana- heim, California, September 16 – 21, 2007. “The EOS/ESD Symposium is a week of tutorials, technical ses- sions, workshops, exhibits, and more dedicated to education, training, networking, and solu- tions,” said Donn Bellmore, Gen- eral Chair. For individuals inter- ested in professional certification and general education, over 30 tutorials present a broad range of topics, including, ESD basics for the program manager, ESD on- chip protection in advanced and RF technologies, air ionization, EOS/ESD failure models and mechanisms, in-plant ESD survey and evaluation measurements, CDM design and characteriza- tion, and more. Also offered is the two-day S20.20 seminar on developing and implementing an ESD control program. “This year’s Symposium Program offers nine new tutorials that will benefit those indi- viduals who are seeking continuing educa- tion,” said Carl Newberg, National Tutorial Chair. The new tutorials are: ESD Circuits, ESD Ignition & Fires, Methodologies for De- termining the Impact of Static Control Meth- ods, Perfect ESD Storm, Advanced Topics in TLP Testing, Electrical Fields – Practical Considerations for the Factory, Electrostatic Attraction, Automated Handling Processes, and Advanced ESD/EMI/EOS Auditing Techniques. The technical sessions offered this year provide more than 50 presentations from international authors. Papers that will be presented address issues such as Device Testing, ESD-RF Design Considerations, Factory/Materials, System Level Testing, and much more. Symposium Set for September in Anaheim, California 2007 Symposium Program Program and hotel details are available on pages 1, 2, 9 and 10. Symposium exhibitor list and site map are available on page 11. New Q & A Column ESDA debuts the new Q & A Column on page 3. 1st International Electrostatic Workshop Follow-up 1st IEW is a success. Details regarding the event on page 5. Standards Meeting Update Standards meetings took place last month in Austin, Texas. See details on page 8. Symposium................................. 1 & 2 From the President. .......................... 3 New Q & A Column........................... 3 Volunteer Spotlight............................ 4 Website Update. ............................... 4 IEW Follow-up................................... 5 Spring Regional Tutorial Program..... 6 ESDA Member Remembered. .......... 6 Standards Activity Update................. 7 ESD On Campus. ............................. 8 Anaheim & Hotel Details................... 9 Symposium Schedule..................... 10 Symposium Exhibitors and Map. .... 11 Calendar. ........................................ 12 Continued on page 2