NovemberDecember 2007

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. News Bits In this issue Volume 23, No. 6 November/December 2007 Honoring Those Who Make An Impact 2007 Symposium Proceedings Symposium proceedings are now avail- able; see page 9. February Meeting Schedule The February Meeting Series Schedule can be found on page 6. 2008 International Electrostatic Workshop Final Call for Presentations information on page12. New Computer-Based Training Program ESDA launches a tailorable computer- based training program, Principles of ESD Control . Details are provided on page 10 and at . Have A Suggestion? See page 10 for information on submitting suggestions to the new ESDA Suggestion Box. ESDA Recognition. ........................... 1 From the President. .......................... 4 Q & A Column. .................................. 4 Standards Update. ............................ 5 New ESDA Officers, Directors. ......... 5 February Meeting Schedule. ............. 6 Research Grant Program. ................. 7 ESD On Campus. ............................. 7 Symposium Wrap-Up. ....................... 9 2008 Symposium Call for Papers. .... 9 Exhibit Information. ......................... 10 CBT Program. ................................. 10 Suggestion Box. .............................. 10 ESDA Annual Report. .......................11 Volunteer Spotlight. ......................... 12 IEW Call for Presentations. ............. 12 Exploring Tucson. ........................... 13 Calendar. ........................................ 14 Numerous individuals contribute to the success of an industry, an organization or an event. For those who go above and beyond, the ESD Association annually recognizes individuals who have made a lasting impact on the Association or on the ESD industry. These awards are presented at the annual EOS/ESD Sym- posium. Award winners from 2007 are summarized below. Dr. Steve Voldman Outstanding Contributions Award The Outstanding Contributions Award is the most prestigious award given by the ESD Association. That honor goes to Dr. Steve Voldman, IEEE Fellow.  Steve received his Engineering de- gree from MIT and his Ph.D. in Electri- cal Engineering from the University of Vermont. For more than 15 years Steve has made very impressive contribu- tions to the ESD Association and to the EOS/ESD Symposium by sharing his expertise in both ESD and latchup through technical paper presentations, workshop participation, and tutorials. He served as the chair for the TLP and VFTLP standards working groups. He published more than 150 papers at various conferences and meetings. He also holds more than 160 patents, many with ESD design solutions and device methods. He is a frequent con- tributor to the pages of Threshold. Steve has represented the “ESD on Campus” program by presenting ESD seminars at various universities and col- leges in the United States, Canada, and Asia. He is truly known as a world wide ESDA ambassador. Professor William D. Greason Industry Pioneer Award The ESD Association Industry Pioneer Award is presented to an individual, whose contributions, vision and service, helped to form or significantly change the industry. The 2007 award is pre- sented to William D. Greason, Ph. D., professor in the department of electrical and computer engineering at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. Prof. Greason’s bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. degrees were in engineering science from the University of Western Ontario. He worked for Applitech R&D Ltd., Sparton of Canada, and Northern Telecom of Canada. Prof. Greason’s research interests in ESD have been published in over 100 technical papers, including frequent contributions to the EOS/ESD Sympo- sium. Prof. Greason has authored two books, Electrostatic Damage in Elec- tronics: Devices and Systems , and Electrostatic Discharge in Electronics . He has received numerous awards from professional organizations and was named an IEEE Fellow in 2003 , for con- tributions to the fundamental principles of electrostatic discharge and its effect on electronic devices and systems. Ed Weggeland ESD Association Founders Award The Founders Award is presented to a member or former member of the ESD Association who was involved in the Kay Adams (left), ESDA President, and Charvaka Duvvury (right) Symposium Awards Chair, present the Outstanding Contributions Award to Dr. Steve Voldman. continued on page 2