SeptemberOctober 2007

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. News Bits In this issue Volume 23, No. 5 September/October 2007 ESDA North Central Chapter Celebrates 20 Years 2007 Symposium Program Symposium information is available on page 2. September Meeting Schedule The extensive September Meeting Series Schedule can be found on page 4. 2008 International Electrostatic Find Call for Presentations information on pages 5 and 6. New Online Course ESDA offers a new online course in No- vember. Details are provided on page 7 at at . ESDA North Central Chapter............ 1 Symposium....................................... 2 From the President. .......................... 3 Q & A Column. .................................. 3 September Meeting Schedule........... 4 IEW Call for Presentations.......... 5 & 6 Online Course Offered...................... 7 Facility Certification........................... 7 ESD On Campus. ............................. 8 New ESDA VP. ................................. 9 Volunteer Spotlight............................ 9 2008 Symposium Call for Papers. .. 10 Calendar. ........................................ 12 In April of 1987 six people got t o g e t h e r to discuss what it would take to start a local chapter of the ESD Association. The group, located in Minneso- ta, developed the foundation for what would be the North Central Chapter. On Septem- ber 10th, the chapter will celebrate 20 years of existence. “It was interesting that out of the six of us, most of us were strangers to each other even though we all worked in the electronics industry locally,” saidMerleWeight, one of the original six. “The only thingwe had in commonwas that wewere working in the discipline of trying to control the effects of ESD.” The original six included, Gary Johnson (Honeywell), Bob Harding (Dow Chemi- cal), Joel Weidendorf (IBM), Merle Weight (Unisys), Cathy Lichter (Dow Chemical) and Tony Adrian (3M). After having several small meetings to get to know each other, the group of six decided to get together everyone that they knew cur- rently working in the static control industry. In September of 1987, each of the six do- nated $50 for the room at a local Holiday Inn and hoped for the best. “I made the presentation which I called ESD- Causes and Control,” said Weight. About thirty people attended the first meeting and it seemed that there was enough interest to continue the effort.” Twenty years later the interest continues. The North Central Chapter has been meet- ing four times a year since. This September the chapter will celebrate its 20th anniver- sary with a dinner at the Wildfire Grill, an upscale restaurant in the Twin Cities suburb of Eden Prairie. David Swenson, Sr. Vice President of the National Association, will be a featured guest for the event. Over the years the chapter membership has fluctuated, with over 100 members at times, although meeting attendance has stayed steady at between 25 to 40 people. Weight attributes the policies set early on for the last- ing success of the chapter. They include: 1. Only four scheduled meetings per year. 2. Meetings are to be held at chapter member locations, with the chapter member being the host for the day. (The chapter funds sand- wiches and beverages for the meeting.) 3. The meeting formats are focused on the science of ESD control. 4. Dinner meetings are limited to once a year as a membership drive. (Free dinner for members!) 5. Having a very strong and dedicated core of people who are interested in keeping a fo- cus on the mission of educating people in the science of ESD control. Early on the Chapter participated in a regional trade show by providing a technical session and manning a booth on the exhibit floor. When the trade show went away the chapter held their own technical sessions with table top displays by the vendor members. With the development of training programs from the National Association, the chapter has par- ticipated in the Regional Tutorial Program the past few years with excellent results. “One of the keys to our success has been the practice of holding meetings at member facilities,” said Weight. “We get a tour of the plant and have a discussion of how that com- pany implements ESD controls. We have had many willing members open their doors to our chapter and share their procedures.” Tom Lee, current president of the North Cen- tral Chapter, adds “A strong representation of both users and suppliers in our chapter has helped in our success.” “We know the phenomenon of ESD will al- ways be with us, long after we are gone,” said Lee. “So it is my hope that in the year 2027, the president of the Chapter will be able to continue stating the fact that the North Central Chapter of the ESD Association is as successful, 40 years after its inception, as it is today.”