JanuaryFebruary 2008

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. News Bits In this issue Volume 24, No. 1 January/February 2008 February Course Offerings Date: February 21, 2008, Westin LaPaloma, Tucson, AZ NEW ESD Association Chapter in Bangalore, India page 7. February Meeting Schedule The extensive February Meeting Series Schedule can be found on page 5. 2008 International Electrostatic Workshop information on pages 5 Education Schedule for 2008 Details are provided on page 9 and at www.esda.org . ESD Certifications Program Manager and Device Design certifications, page 7 February Course Offering................. 1 From the President. .......................... 2 From the Symposium Chair.............. 3 Symposium Exhibitors. ..................... 3 Volunteer Spotlight............................ 4 Q & A Column. .................................. 4 February Meeting Schedule.............. 5 IEW Registration............................... 5 ESD On Campus. ............................. 6 2008 Symposium Call for Papers. .... 7 ESD Certification............................... 7 New Local Chapter. .......................... 7 Call for Nominations.......................... 8 2008 Education Schedule................. 9 Calendar. ........................................ 10 The following Program Manager Tutorials will be offered during the ESD Association Meeting Series, in Westin LaPaloma, Tucson, AZ: ▲ Electrostatic Calculations for the Program Manager This tutorial focuses on the basic calculations and techniques of use to the ESD engineer. The content is at the sophomore physics or electrical engineering level set in the context of electrostatic discharge and its effects. Topics covered include Gauss’ Law, capacitance, charge sharing, RC decay, and device failure thresholds. ▲ Ionization Issues and Answers for the Program Manager The primary method of static charge control is direct connection to ground for conductors, static dissipative materials, and personnel. But a complete static control program must also deal with isolated conductors, insulating Holiday wishes from everyone at ESD Association Date:February 21, 2008 •Location:WestinLaPaloma •Tucson,AZ Lunchand refreshmentsprovided. ▲ ElectrostaticCalculations for theProgramManager 8:30a.m. -Noon Instructor:LeoG.Henry This tutorial focuseson thebasic calculationsand techniquesofuse to theESDengineer.The content isat the sophomorephysicsorelectricalengineering level set in the contextofelectrostaticdischargeand itseffects.Topics covered includeGauss’Law, capacitance, charge sharing,RCdecay,anddevice failure thresholds. ▲ Ionization IssuesandAnswers for theProgramManager 1:00p.m. -4:30p.m. Instructor:ArnieSteinman Theprimarymethodof static charge control isdirect connection toground for conductors, staticdissipative materials,andpersonnel.Buta complete static controlprogrammustalsodealwith isolated conductors, insulating materials,andmovingpersonnel that cannotbegrounded.Air ionization canneutralize the chargeon insulatedand isolatedobjects.This seminarwill Examineproblems causedby static charges Review commonmethods forgenerationand controlof static charge Illustrate the importanceof ionizers ina static controlprogram throughdemonstrations Explain themajor typesof ionizersand the varyingenvironments Discusselectricalandperformance testmethods Demonstrate ionizationmeasurementsusing the IonizationStandard Present installation, safety,maintenance,and contamination issues Analyze casehistoriesof theuseof ionizers ina varietyofworkenvironments About the Instructors LeoG.Henry ispresentlyanESD consultingengineer.Hehasworked in theelectronics industry foralmost 24 yearsand in the fieldofESD forover17 years.Over the years,LeoGhasworked in severalengineering capacities for several companies includingBEI Inc,ORYX Instrumentsand IONSystems.He spentover14 years atAdvancedMicroDevicesasaMemberof theEngineeringTechnicalStaff.LeoG. receivedhisB.S.andM.S. degrees inPhysics from theUniversityof theWest Indies.He receivedhisMSandPh.D.degrees inMaterials Scienceat theUniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley.LeoG.Henry, isVicePresidentofESDA,a seniormemberof the IEEE,amemberofASM/EDFASandBoDmemberofSiVa, theSiliconValleyEOS/ESD society. ArnoldSteinman isChiefAppliedTechnologist forMKS, IonSystems,Alameda,CA, responsible since1983 for thedesign conceptsof the company’s ionization static controlproducts.Heholds fourpatents coveringair ionizer technology.Steinmangraduated from thePolytechnic InstituteofBrooklyn, receivingbothBSEEandMSEE degrees.Steinman isamemberof theBoardofDirectorsof theESDAssociationandapast chairpersonof the IonizationStandardsCommittee.Steinman isalsoa seniormemberof the InstituteofEnvironmentalSciencesand Technology (IEST). Program Manager Offered by the ESD Association Electrostatic Calculations for the ESD Engineer Ionization Issues and Answers for the Program Manager ESD Association 315-339-6937 ph info@esda.org 315-339-6793 fax www.esda.org Costonorbefore 1/18/08 Cost after 1/18/08 1/2 day (AM session or Members Non-Members Members Non-Members PM session) $295 $395 $495 $495 FullDay $495 $595 $695 $695 ESDAssociation 7900TurinRd. Building 3 Rome,NY13440 materials, and moving personnel that cannot be grounded. Air ionization can neutralize the charge on insulated and isolated objects. For more information visit www.esda.org/education.html