MarchApril 2008

Sendthiscompletedformandpaymentto: ESDAssociation,7900TurinRd.,Bldg.3,Rome,NY 13440-2069 Phone:315-339-6937 p Fax315-339-6793 p p Registration Form Workshop registration automatically includes a room reservation . Name: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Country: Phone:( ) Fax:( ) Email: Addressis: (Please circle one) home or office PleasecheckhereifyoudonotwishtoreceivemailotherthanfromESDA Checkif,undertheAmericansWithDisabilitiesAct,yourequireanyauxiliaryaidsorservices. Guests: Please indicate any guests thatwill accompany you.Name of Guest: The rate for a guest is $297, for a 3 night stay (Mon-Wed) this covers the room upgrade from single to double, and all servedmeals. Please indicate any special dietary needs.: Arrival: Date Time • Departure: Date Time AdvanceRegistrationFees Cost afterApril 1, 2008 ESDAorIEEEMember $1,450 ESDAorIEEEMember $1,850 Non-ESDAorIEEEMember $1,550 Non-ESDAorIEEEMember $1,850 Theregistrationfeeincludesfullworkshopattendanceandhandoutmaterials,seminarattendance,threenights’lodging(Mon-Wed), ninemeals(dinnerMondaythroughlunchThursday)aswellasmorningandafternoonsnacksanddrinks. Need extra copiesof theWorkshophandoutmaterials? TechnicalPresentations(PrintedandCD)_____x$200 International ESD Workshop May12 -15, 2008 Methodof Payment CreditCard (circleone) AMEX ® Visa ® MasterCard ® Check OnlyU.S.currency,checksdrawnonaU.S.bankthatisamember oftheU.S.FederalReservewillbeaccepted. Make checkspayable to:ESDAssociation CardNumber: Exp.Date: Sec.Code: NameonCard: Signature: Due to the limited space there areNOREFUNDS for cancellations. Posters WillyoubebringingapostertotheOpenPosterSession? Yes No Ifyes,whatisthetitleofyourposter? DiscussionGroups IaminterestedinthefollowingDiscussionGroup(s): SystemLevelESD ESDWafer/ProductFailureCriteria ESDDesignWindowScaling SmartPower/HighVoltageTechniques Special InterestGroups IaminterestedinthefollowingSpecialInterestGroup(s): CDM/CBM TLPcorrelation/mis-correlation EDATools&Flow Registration $ Handouts $ Guests $ TotalEnclosed $ The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 24, No. 2 March/April 2008 The Basic Structure of ESDA From President David E. Swenson page 2 The ESD Association Standards Com- mittee and Standards Working Groups update on page 3 ESD on Campus: Sparks are Flying at Chulalongkorn University page 4 The Role of Consultants in the ESD Association pages 5 & 6 Volunteer Spotlight: Kevin Duncan page 6 Q&A: Static Dissipative Flooring page 7 IEEE Begins To Post Symposium Papers page 8 ESD Membership Corporate membership and individual membership information, page 9 Educational Oportunities Details are provided on page 10 and at . Suggestion Box page 10 Calendar page 11 2008 InternatIonal electrostatIc DIscharge Workshop Domaine de Pinsolle,Port D’Albret,FRANCE May 12-15,2008 Y ou are cordially invited to participate in the 2008 International ESD Workshop. It provides a unique environment for envisioning, developing, and sharing ESD design and test technology for present and future semiconductor applications.Here youwill closely interactwith your peers at technical sessions, moderated discussion groups, open poster sessions, seminars and special interest groups. All workshop activities take place in a relaxed and rustic setting that promotes an atmosphere of interactive learning and helpful discussions.You should come away from theworkshop intellectually stimulated and refreshed! The2008 InternationalESDWorkshopwill focusonNovelDesignConcepts, SpecialDesignCustomApproaches,Technology Integration Issues,Failure Analysis,TestStructures,SimulationTools,ComponentLevelESDTesting, ESDCharacterization,System LevelESD Issues, Immunity of ICs toEMI, andUnresolved ESD Issues. Through technical presentations, seminars, un-refereed poster sessions, discussion groups and special interest groups, a unique and informal environment is provided for understanding and sharing ESD technology. The International ESD Workshop (IEW) is closelyalignedwith theEOS/ESDSymposium forcollaborativeconference activities. For this 2nd annual event, the IEWwillmove toEurope, inPort d’Albret,FRANCE, a resort located by theAtlantic ocean nearBiarritz and 150km south ofBordeaux. The site offers the same spirit as Lake Tahoe, location of the IEW2007 and theworkshopwillhave a similar format. IEW ManageMentCoMMittee technicalProgramChair HorstGieser, Fraunhofer Institute Finance,Registrationand arrangementsChair: MariseBafleur, LAAS-CNRS Publicationsand CommunicationsChair: HaraldGossner, Infineon SeminarsChair: HaraldGossner, Infineon DiscussiongroupChair: RobertGauthier, IBM PostersChair: GaudenzioMeneghesso, UniversityofPadova Special interestgroupsChair: LeoG.Henry, ESD-TLPConsultants audio/VisualChair: NicolasNolhier, LAAS-CNRS eSDaBoardadvisor: DavidSwenson, AffinityStaticControlConsulting,LLC USaRepresentatives/advisors: CharvakaDuvvury, Texas Instruments RobertGauthier, IBM JamesW.Miller, Freescale asiaRepresentative: MingDouKer, NationalChiao-TungUniversity eSDaHQoperationsManager: LisaPimpinella technicalProgramCommittee CharvakaDuvvury, Texas Instruments RobertGauthier, IBM HorstGieser, Fraunhofer Institute EvanGrund, GrundTechnicalSolutionsLLC LeoG.Henry, ESD-TLPConsultants Ming-DouKer, NationalChiao-TungUniversity GaudenzioMeneghesso, UniversityofPadova NicolasNolhier, LAAS-CNRS PhilippePerdu, CNES TheoSmedes, NXPSemiconductors WolfgangStadler, Infineon WolfgangWilkening, Bosch Annual International Electrostatic Discharge Workshop Domaine de Pinsolle, Port D’Albret, FRANCE May 12-15, 2008 Additional highlights include: p Keynote p Challenges and solutions for ESD protection in advanced logic and RF CMOS technologies p Discussion Groups p System Level ESD p ESD Wafer/Product Failure Criteria p ESD Design Window Scaling p Smart Power/High Voltage Techniques p Industry Council Invited Paper p Tutorials p Technical Presentations p Posters p Special Interest Groups p CDM/CBM - Is it time to develop a CBM document? p TLP correlation/mis-correlation to the ESD Models p EDATools & Flow for ESD Verification This year’s workshop features four seminars by world-leading experts. Topics include: p Package Influence on ESD Robustness p ESD simulation and verification of complex HV analog blocks in Smart Power ICs p Pulsed Characterization in the ESD Domain p Advanced Failure Analysis with respect to ESD Failures For more detail on this years IEW visit: In this issue Be sure to check the next issue of Threshold for more information on this year’s 30th Annual EOS/ESD Symposium and Exhibits being held in Tucson, AZ Sept 7-12 or check the website for continued updates