JanuaryFebruary 2010

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 26, No. 1 January/February 2010 In this issue www.esda.org From the President Donn Bellmore, pages 2-3 BoD Nominations for 2011, page 4 Meeting Schedule, page 5 Essentials, page 5 Education Schedule, page 6 Q & A, page 6 ESDA Spotlight, page 7 Certification, page 8 ESD on Campus, page 9 Local Sparks, page 10 IEW, page 11 Open Forum article on IC compo- nent ESD target, pages 12-13 Calendar, page 14 What The Association has in store for 2010 The ESD Association has welcomed some new volunteers to the Board of Di- rectors and also some new ideas for the coming year. The ESDA has developed a new course titled “Essentials for ESD Programs, Factory: Technologies • Controls • Pro- cedures.” The course is an overview of 10 individual tutorials that deal with ESD program management and control pro- cesses. The goal of this course is to pro- vide basic concepts to those who are not able to attend the multiple courses or who would like a refresher for courses they have taken. This is especially beneficial to our customers who are finding it hard to travel. The Association has plans to release this course in Asia or Europe in the future. For those who have taken the 10 required tutorials for certification, this course could be a helpful study tool prior to taking the Program Manager Certifica- tion exam. In addition, the course can be used as preparation for those interested in taking the iNARTE Engineering or Technician Certification exam. Again this year the Association will of- fer several online courses for those who would like to continue their education or are looking to boost their ESD knowledge without the travel. Courses will be offered at various times to allow for differences in international time zones. Several previ- ously successful classes will be offered along with some new ones that are in de- velopment. This years IEW will be overseas, at the beautiful Evangelische Akademie, in Tut- zing, Germany. A very successful call for papers has resulted in some high-level technical papers and posters that will make this workshop a very interesting and rewarding experience. For more informa- tion visit http://esda.org/IEW.htm. The 2010 symposium is planned for Oc- tober 3-8th at the JA Nugget hotel, in Sparks, NV. The call for papers is already in progress with a deadline of January 29th. We have nearly 30 exhibitors who are currently registered for the exhibit hall. You can see what companies will be there by visiting http://esda.org/exhibits.html . Please check the Education Sched- ule ( http://www.esda.org/documents/ 2010EducationSchedule.pdf ) for all of the ESDA events scheduled so far.