JanuaryFebruary 2011

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 27, No. 1 January/February 2011 In this issue THRESHOLD TM From the President Donn Bellmore, pages 2-3 Certification Results, page 3 Q&A, page 4 Volunteer Spotlight, page 5 Education, pages 6-9 ESD On Campus, pages 10-11 Standards Meeting Schedule, page 12 Tech Talk, page 13 Local Sparks, page 14 IEW 2011, page 15 Calendar, page 16 Photo Corner, page 17 The ESD Association Seminar “EssentialsforESDPrograms,Factory: Technologies • Controls • Procedures” that was offered for the first time in 2010 has been a huge success. The course, an overview of 10 individual tutorials that deal with ESD program management and control processes, has been delivered several times in the USA and Asia. The next offering will be in Shenzhen, China on January 24-26, 2011. Register online at http://esda.org/onlineregistrations.html The Association has plans to develop a similar seminar based on the Device Design Certification tutorials. Again this year, the Association will offer several online courses for those who would like to continue their educa- tion or are looking to boost their ESD knowledge without the travel. Several previously successful classes will be offered along with some new ones that are in development. In addition, the ESDA offers archived online courses for attendance when sched- uled classes are inconvenient. This year’s IEW will will return to the beautiful Stanford Sierra Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, South Lake Tahoe, CA. A very successful call for papers has resulted in some high-level technical papers and posters that will make this workshop a very interesting and re- warding experience. For more informa- tion visit http://esda.org/IEW.htm. The Association has begun planning for one of the best Symposiums in many years. The 2011 symposium will be held September 11th-16th at the Disneyland Hotel, in Anaheim, CA. The call for papers is already in progress with a deadline of January 14th. There are nearly 30 exhibitors who are currently registered for the exhibit hall. To see a list of the companies that are exhibiting visit http://esda.org/exhibits.html . Please check the Education Schedule ( h t t p : / / www . e s da . o r g / do c umen t s / 2011EducationSchedule.pdf ) for all of the ESDA Tutorials, Semiars, and events currently scheduled. The ESDA Board of Directors at our annual meeting in Dec. 2010. From the left: Seated: Nate Peachey, Ginger Hansel, Kathy Muhonen, Charvaka Duvvury. Standing: Reinhold Gaertner, John Kinnear, Gianluca Boselli, Terry Welsher, Robert Ashton, Lisa Pimpinella, Dave Swenson, Donn Bellmore, Donn Pritchard, Carl Newberg, Leo G. Henry. Board members not present: Robert Gauthier, Tim Prass, and Steven Voldman Best wishes for 2011 from the BoD and Staff of the ESDA!