SeptemberOctober 2011

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 27, No. 5 September/October 2011 In this issue THRESHOLD TM From the President, pages 2-3 IEW Call for Presentations, pages 4-5 2012 Symposium Call, pages 6-7 Standards Meeting Schedule, page 8 ESDA/JEDEC Joint Standards Release, page 8 Local Sparks, page 9 Volunteer Spotlight, pages 10- 11 Q&A, page 12 Education, pages 12-14 Compliance Posters, page 15 Calendar, page 16 Photo Corner, page 17 “Do you know who did that?” Don’t miss the 2011Symposium! The Symposium will be remembered as a truly rewarding experience for everyone. You will gain the necessary knowledge to keep up with the ever changing and demanding world of ESD. Welcome to the 33rd EOS/ESD Symposium September 11-16th at the Disneyland Hotel in Anahiem, CA. This year the Conference and the Symposium events will be the perfect blend of state- of-the-art technical information and fun for the whole family. Enjoy a broad program of tutorials, workshops, and technical sessions. Nearly 50 Exhibitors displaying ESD products and services from leading companies! The exhibits are open to the public! With every Association there are volunteers who go above the call of duty to make a significant contribution to their organization. Look for the new “Do You Know Who Did That?” article in the next issue of Threshold!