JanuaryFebruary 2012

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 28, No. 1 January/February 2012 In this issue THRESHOLD TM Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year from The ESD Association Board of Directors and Staff. From the President, page 2 Do you know, page 2 Nominees for Board of Direc- tors, page 3 Org charts, pages 4-6 Newly certified, page 7 Call for papers, page 7 ESDAmeeting schedule, page 8 Q&A, page 8 Local sparks, page 9 Volunteer spotlight, page 10 Calendar, page 11 Photo corner, page 12 The ESD Association Board of Directors held its annual planning meeting in December. The group discussed the strategic plans for 2012 and beyond. The Education Committee is working hard to develop new and exciting courses and advanced topics that will be of interest to a variety of industries. The Symposium Business Unit has been busy working on the 2012 program to provide attendees with new and interesting topics to learn about during the symposium week. The 2012 IEW plans are moving along nicely and the venue looks to be one of the best yet. The Corsendonk Priory Hotel in Belgium is the perfect location for anyone who is interested in ESD Device Design Technology. The ESDA is also working on its first international Symposium in Asia and hopes to add it to the 2012 calendar of events. The ESDA activities and planning extends to online courses, certification programs, membership and volunteers, and just about every business unit. We are looking forward to a very busy year in our efforts to become known and serve industry. Find us on- Facebook LinkedIn Twitter!