JulyAugust 2012

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 28, No. 4 July/Aug 2012 In this issue THRESHOLD TM The Value of Attending the EOS/ESD Symposium, pages 1,12 From the President, page 2 Q & A, page 3 Do You Know, page 3 Automotive Electronics Reliability Workshop, page 4 Standards Update, pages 5-6 Standards Meeting Schedule, page 7 Volunteer Spotlight, page 8 Local Sparks, page 9 Symposium, page 10-11 Comparison of Fieldmeter and Voltage-Follower Types of CPMs, pages 13-17 Calendar, page 18 Photo Corner, page 19 Find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter! THE VALUE OF ATTENDING THE EOS/ESD SYMPOSIUM Continued on page 12 Attending the EOS/ESDSymposium may be difficult to justify to your manager in this age of travel and training budget cuts. First, you need to understand the investment you are asking your company to make. This investment is in the form of your travel expenses, attendance fees, and your time away from work. Additionally, the EOS/ESD Symposium might benefit your employer. It is important that you promote your attendance by ex- plaining employer benefits, and not by talking about how it benefits you, except in the ways that it makes you a more valuable employee. Explaining the Benefits of Attending Itemize the tutorials, technical ses- sions, and workshops that you want to attend and explain how you ex- pect each will benefit your employer. Relate the individual tutorials, tech- nical sessions, and workshops to specific issues that are challenging your company. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin A Guide for Justifying Your Trip to the EOS/ESD Symposium or Your Return on Investment (ROI) Proposition WWW.ESDA.ORG