NovemberDecember 2012

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 28, No. 6 November/December 2012 In this issue HRESHOLD TM SymposiumAwards, pages 1-3 From the President, pages 4-5 Q & A, page 5 ESDAAnnual Report, page 6 SymposiumWorkshop Summary, pages 7-8 Local Sparks, page 9 Standards Summary, pages 10-12 Standards Meeting Schedule, page 13 ESD On Campus, page 14 Challenges to ESDA for Flat Panel Display Industry, pages 15-16 Symposium Highlights, page 17 Calendar, page 18 Photo Corner, page 19 Find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter! Continued on page 2 WWW.ESDA.ORG Special Recognition for ESDA Volunteers and Symposium Contributors! Throughout the year, volunteers put forth their time and effort in support of The ESD Association’s many events and Standards activities. At the 2012 EOS/ESD Symposium in Tucson Arizona the Association recognized those volunteers at a special volunteer recognition gathering. More than 100 volunteers and their guest enjoyed a barbecue dinner under the evening sky. Several volunteers were honored with special awards in recognition of outstanding contributions to the association. The Association is very proud of the hard work and dedication that is made by all of its volunteers and wish to thank each and every one for making the Association what it is today!