JanuaryFebruary 2013

The ESD Association newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 29, No. 1 January/February 2013 In this issue HRESHOLD TM ESDA BoD, page 1 From the President, page 2 WG-13, page 3 Q&A, page 3 RCJ Friendship Award, page 3 Nominations Petition, page 4 Did You Know, page 4 CNIS Symposium, page 5 Local Sparks, page 6 Call for papers reminder, page 6 Spotlight, page 7 Standards Meeting Schedule, page 8 ESD On Campus, page 9 Calendar, page 10 Photo Corner, page 11 Find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter! WWW.ESDA.ORG Setting the Global Standards for Static Control! Left to right, seated: L. Pimpinella, D. Bellmore, T. Welsher, D. Pritchard, L. Henry, G. Boselli, R. Gauthier. standing: R. Gaertner, G. Hansel, H. Gossner, C. Duvvury, K. Duncan, K. Muhonen, M. Khazhinsky, A. Righter, J. Kinnear, J. Dunnihoo, N. Peachey, R. Ashton, S. Ward. In December of 2012 the ESD Association board of directors held their end of the year meeting at the Associations headquarters in Rome, N.Y. The group discussed its strategic plans for 2013 and goals for the future. During the 2013 calendar year the Association is working diligently on plans for several activities around the world. The Education Committee, with the assistance of the Advanced Topics Business Unit, is focused on developing new and exciting courses that are of interest to a variety of industries. They have been busy reviewing tutorial proposals for development of new courses to offer at this year’s Symposium. TheSymposium teams are also busy working on the 2013 program, reviewing abstract submissions and workshop topics to provide this year’s attendees with an exciting line-up of educational offerings for symposium week. The 2013 IEW committee is already well into the planning of the International Electrostatic Discharge Workshop (IEW) May 20-23 of this year being held at the Airlie Conference center in Warrenton, VA. Everyone is very excited about the Airlie conference center venue where the event will be held, also the interesting schedule of topics that are taking shape for the event. They include exciting poster topics, seminars, discussion groups, special interest groups and invited talks that will prove to be a rewarding experience for all who attend. The ESDA is also working with the local chapters who are planning regional tutorials for the spring. The schedule begins on March 5-7 with the Texas Local Chapter RTP being held at the 3M Innovation Center in Austin Texas; then to the North Central Local Chapter at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and Suites in Bloomington, MN from April 25-26; followed by the Korean Local Chapter RTP on May 7-8 at the COEX Conference Center in Seoul, KOREA; concluding with the Northeast Local Chapter RTP on May14-16 at the Teradyne Conference, North Reading, MA. The ESDA activities and planning extended to online courses, certification programs, membership and volunteers, and just about every business unit. The Association is looking forward to a very busy year in an effort to become known and serve industry. 2013 ESD Association Board of Directors