JanuaryFebruary 2014

On Campus , page 9 The EOS/ESD Association, Inc. newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 30, No. 1 January/February 2014 In this issue TM WWW.ESDA.ORG EOS/ESD Association, Inc. Setting the Global Standards for Static Control! 2014 ESDABoard of Directors, page 1 From the President, page 2 ESDAOrg Charts, pages 3-5 ERCCall for Funding, page 6 Electron Devices Society 2013 Educa- tionAward, page 6 Q&A, page 7 On Campus , page 8 ESDAAcademia Committee , pages 9-10 ESDA Spotlight, page 11 SymposiumWorkshops, pages 12- 13 Standards WG meeting Schedule, page 14 Local Sparks, page 15 February Tutorial, page 16 Texas LC Spring Tutorial, page 17 Calendar, page 18 Photo Corner, page 19 Left to right, seated: G. Hansel, L. Pimpinella, T. Welsher, D. Pritchard, L. Henry, S. Ward, C. Duvvury. Standing: R. Gaertner, J. Dunnihoo, R. Ashton, H. Gossner, D. Bellmore, J. Kinnear, W. Stadler, G. Boselli, C. Checketts, N. Peachey, A. Righter, K. Duncan, D. Swenson. Absent: M. Khazhinsky, ESD Association Board of Directors Paying to put people face-to-face in the same room drastically improves the health of your business, more than pays for itself quickly, and goes a long way towards help- ing achieve your business objectives.” According to an Oxford Economics study, “Detailed statistical modeling over 18 years and 14 industries indicates that for every dollar invested in business travel, U.S. companies have experienced a $9.50 return in terms of revenue.” The article stated that “personal interaction drives creativity, teamwork, efficiency and productivity” something the ESDA believes is what has made us so successful. The article continues to support face to face meetings by saying that companies who continue to support travel and meeting attendance during recessions have re- bounded more quickly than those who did not. Many thanks to those companies who support the activities of our volunteers. We look forward to a creative, efficient, and productive year. The success of the The ESD Association (ESDA) is due to the commitment and ac- tive participation of its volunteer members. As we begin our 32nd year the ESDA will reduce the number of face to face meetings being held during the year. The February meeting and the June meeting will be combined into one face to face meeting scheduled for April 1-8, 2014. While travel budgets of many of our vol- unteers have been reduced causing us to respond with this change in schedule the ESDA still believes that face to face meet- ings are a necessary and valuable format for the operation and development of the association. With that being said, we want to share a re- centarticlebyUSATODAYthestudy:Cutting Business Travel Can Hurt Profits www.usa- today.com/story/hotelcheckin/2013/05/07/ business-travel-spending-hotels/2140347/ “In person meetings are the best tool to make sure each person is accountable for his/her actions, improve communica- tion between team members and clients, and get to all those important items that seem to always be pushed down the line.