JulyAugust 2014

On Campus , page 9 The EOS/ESD Association, Inc. newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 30, No. 4 July/August 2014 In this issue TM WWW.ESDA.ORG EOS/ESD Association, Inc. Setting the Global Standards for Static Control! EOS/ESD Symposium for Factory Issues in Singapore, page 1 From the President, page 2 Did you Know? page 3 Q&A, page 3 Local Sparks, page 4 Standards Meeting Schedule, page 5 EOS/ESD SymposiumHighlights, pages 6-7 ESDA Spotlight, page 8 Symposium Exhibitors, page 9 Symposium On Demand, page 10 What You Told Us! page 9 IEW 2014, pages 11-12 Online Training, page 13 Calendar, page 14 Photo Corner, page 15 Watch for the Threshold E-Newsletter by email! 2014 EOS/ESD Symposium Registration is Now Open! www.esda.org/symposiaEOS-ESD.html Join us! EOS/ESD Symposium for Factory Issues in Singapore Monday-Wednesday August 4-6th, 2014 Regional English Language Center (RELC), 30 Orange Grove Rd, Singapore 258352 The 3rd EOS/ESD Symposium for Factory Issues is coming again to Singapore this Aug 4-6th. This yearly event is targeted to gather both local and overseas profes- sionals together to share their expertise on electrostatic issues. This serves as a great platform for participants to contribute or voice their input on solutions to prob- lems relating EOS/ESD in factory production and assembly. Industry experts will be sharing their knowledge through several seminars, technical talks, and workshops. The highlights of this event consist of the two day ANSI/ESD S20.20 Seminar with experienced speakers John T. Kinnear (IBM Corporation) and Ron Gibson (Advanced Static Control Consulting), the seminar provides an insight into instruc- tion on designing and implementing an ESD control program based on ANSI/ESD S20.20. It provides participants with the tools and techniques to prepare for an ESD facility audit. The third day will include a full schedule of invited talks from renowned speakers, cov- ering topics such as; “Comparability Between Stress in the Field and During Device Testing, ESD Process Capability Assessments, Static Control Considerations for Automated Handling Equipment, Semiconductor Back End Manufacturing Process –ESD Capability Analysis, and Alternative ESD Measurement Method for JEDEC trays”. The symposium then concludes with a workshop and Q&A Session for open discussion on “What requirements do we really have to fulfill to be able to handle ESDs in production lines”? “This symposium creates a venue for all ESD practitioners to gather valuable in- formation with regards to new technology or solutions to ESD problems already encountered by companies in the field. ANSI/ESD S20.20 is needed as it serves as the backbone to any ESD program standard being implemented by any company. This standardizes all proceedings related to ESD measurement and evaluation procedures.”