NovemberDecember 2014

On Campus , page 9 The EOS/ESD Association, Inc. newsletter, published for everyone with an interest in the understanding and control of electrostatic discharge. Volume 30, No.6 November/December 2014 In this issue TM Continued on page 2 WWW.ESDA.ORG EOS/ESD Association, Inc. Setting the Global Standards for Static Control! EOS/ESD SymposiumAwards, pages 1-4 From the President, page 5 Did You Know? page 6 Q & A, page 6 Standards WG Summary, pages 7-8 Asia Symposium Call, page 9 Annual Report, page 10 ESDA Spotlight, page 11 Symposium, page 12 Calendar, page 13 Photo Corner, page 14 Watch for the Threshold E-Newsletter by email! Numerous individuals contribute to the success of the industry, organization, and events. For those who go above and beyond, the ESD Association annually recognizes individuals who have made a lasting impact on the Association and the ESD industry. Individuals who have had some significant impact on the organization’s growth and development were honored at the 2014 EOS/ESD Symposium in Tucson, AZ. Members awarded during the 2014 EOS/ESD Symposium for a lasting impact on The EOS/ESD Association! Outstanding Contribution Award Evan Grund (left) presented by Timothy Maloney (right) The Outstanding Contributions Award is the ESD Association’s most prestigious award. It is awarded to an individual who has made a ma- jor contribution to either the development or the operation of the ESD Association or has had a significant impact in the field of EOS/ESD. ESD Association Founders Award: Gene Chase (left) presented by Terry Welsher (right) The Founders Award is presented to a Member or former member of the ESD Association who was involved in the formation and growth of the ESD Association or the EOS/ESD Symposium. The Founders award is presented at the An- nual General Meeting.