JulyAugust 2015

Volume 31, No.4 July/Aug 2015 THRESHOLD TM Symposium, page 1 From the President, page 2 Symposium-Emerging Technology, page 3 Symposium-Workshops, page 3 Symposium-Tutorials, page 4 Symposium-Exhibits, page 5 Standards Working Group Summaries, pages 6-7 Q & A, page 8 Did You Know? page 8 ESD Essentials-Munich, page 9 ESDA Spotlight, pages 10-11 Corporate Sponsorship, page 12 Calendar, page 13 Photo Corner, page 14 Watch for the Threshold E-Newsletter by email! The 2015 EOS/ESD Symposium will ad- dress the latest research on EOS and ESD protection in the rapidly changing world of electronics. The technology to make electronic systems more reliable along with high yield, low cost manufacturing is having a major impact on the electronics industry. FinFETs are becoming common place. 3D and 2.5D integration is reach- ing manufacturing maturity. Performance prediction through simulation and verifica- tion checks must continue to advance to a greater degree of thoroughness and accu- racy. The 2015 EOS/ESD Symposium ad- dresses these matters and more through tutorials, workshops, technical sessions, and invited talks. Technical Sessions The technical paper sessions are the heart of the symposium. A total of 55 reviewed papers will be presented. Sessions this year cover ESD in advanced technologies, The 37th EOS/ESD Symposium will be held at the Peppermill Resort Hotel in Reno, Nevada from September 27th through October 2nd, 2015. factory control, system-level ESD, ESD in RF and power devices, testers and testing methods, 3D stacking, EDA, and TCAD. The EOS/ESD Association would like to thank all authors who submitted abstracts, expanded them into full papers, prepared presentations, and revealed their work to all of us. Behind the authors is our highly dedicated technical program committee, which reviews submissions and mentors them to bring out the best in every paper and presentation. A series of invited papers will give an overview of recent technical trends and specific applications with impact on ESD. Alan Righter will present a comprehen- sive overview of the continued evolution of CDM design, modeling, and testing standards. Christoph Thienel puts the emphasis back in the EOS portion of the symposium with his year in review presen- tation on EOS and ESD developments in the automotive industry, where absolute The 2015 EOS/ESD Symposium A Must Attend Event! Continued on page 3