MayJune 2015

Volume 31, No.3 May/June 2015 THRESHOLD TM NewWebsite, page 1 From the President, page 2 BoD Ballot, pages 3-5 Business Impact of Membership in the ESDA, page 6 Standards Meeting Series, page 7 Q & A, page 8 Did You Know? page 8 ESDA Sponsorship Packages, page 9 ESDA Corporate Bundle Packages, page 10 ESDA Spotlight, pages 11-12 EOS/ESD Factory Symposium, pages 13-14 EOS/ESD Symposium, page 15 Calendar, page 16 Photo Corner, page 17 Watch for the Threshold E-Newsletter by email! We have a new look! The EOS/ESD Association is pleased to announce the launch of our rede- signed website. The site includes many new features to make navigat- ing, searching, and yes, even ordering a breeze! Members now can login and have im- mediate access to member discounts on documents, and downloadTechnical reports available to members. When purchasing documents custom- ers will have the comfort of knowing they are using a secure shopping cart system and the convenience of order- ing online with order confirmation on the spot. Special thanks to Jackie from TDI for her initial design work. • New Clean Look • Easy Navigation • Secure Member Login • Online Ordering • Secure Shopping Cart System • Easy to use Search Visit our site today and let us know what you think! (Don’t forget to add us to your favorites list so you can visit us often!)