NovemberDecember 2015

Volume 31, No.6 Nov/Dec 2015 In this issue THRESHOLD TM 2016 Elected Officers and Directors, page 1 Association Awards, pages 2-3 SymposiumAwards, pages 3-4 From the President, page 5 Annual Report, page 6 Q & A, page 6 Standards WG Summary, pages 7-9 Did You Know? page 9 Symposium Highlights, page 10 Symposium On-Demand, page 11 EOS/ESD Symposium for Factory Issues in Malaysia, page 12 ESDA Spotlights, pages 13,15 IEW Call for Presentations, page 14 2016 EOS/ESD Symposium Call for Papers, page 16 Calendar, page 17 Photo Corner, page 18 Watch for the Threshold E-Newsletter by email! Elected to the Board of Directors, by the members of the ESD Association, for a three-year term from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018, are: The Board of Directors officers for the one-year term of January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016, are Gianluca Boselli (left), Texas Instruments, Inc. - President; Ginger Hansel (center), Dangelmayer Associates, LLC - Senior Vice President; and Alan Righter (right), Analog Devices - Vice President. Matthew Hogan (left), Mentor Graphics; Scott Ward (center left), Texas Instruments; Joshua Yoo (center right), Core Insight; and Lorenzo Cerati (right), STMicroelectronics. 2016 Elected Officers and Directors