MayJune 2016

Volume 32, No. 3 May/June 2016 In this issue THRESHOLD TM Symposium, page 1 From the Executive Director, page 2 BoD Nominations, pages 3-4 Symposium, pages 5-10 Did You Know? page 7 ESDA Spotlight, page 11 Standards WG Summary, pages 12-13 ESD On Campus, page 14 Q & A, page 15 Calendar, page 16 Photo Corner, page 17 For more information on the EOS /ESD Symposium turn to page 5 2016 E O S / E S D A S S O C I A T I O N , I N C . E O S / E S D S Y M P O S I U M & E X H I B I T S September 11-16 Garden Grove (Anaheim) CA. September 11-16, 2016 Hyatt Regency Orange County Garden Grove (Anaheim), CA, USA 38 th Annual EOS/ESD Symposium, Tutorials, & Exhibits Registration is now open!