NovemberDecember 2016

Volume 32, No. 6 Nov/Dec 2016 THRESHOLD TM Inside this Issue: EOS/ESD SymposiumWorkshops, page 1 From the President, page 2 Annual Report, page 2 SymposiumAwards, pages 3-5 Standards WG Sumaries, pages 6-7 In Memory of Peter L. Richman, page 8 Volunteer Spotlight, page 9 EOS/ESD Technology, pages 10-11 Academia University of Central Florida, pages 12-14 Q &A, page 15 EOS/ESD Factory Symposium Finland, page 16 2017 IEWCall, page 17 2017 EOS/ESD Symposium Call, page 18 Calendar, page 19 Photo Corner, page 20 The workshops at the 2016 EOS/ESD Symposium featured several sessions held in parallel, posters describing the workshop subjects provided an advanced view of each topic to be discussed. As a result, participants had an advanced view of the topics and were able to select which session they wanted to attend. Workshop A1: Should the Industry Council Address Adequate IEC 6100-4-2 Target Levels. The discussion involved current standard voltage levels for 61000-4-2. Many at- tendees who participated agreed this was a difficult topic, and the workshop included some very good discussion. Workshop A2: EOS Issues in Automotive Industry. The group spent quite a bit of time dis- cussing analysis of single “EOS” events, moderators were very involved in the dis- cussion. Attendees noted the need for an open discussion between semiconductor and OEM manufacturers. Workshop A3: EDA Tools in the Industry In this workshop, people were curious to see what their peers were doing for EDA tools. As a whole, the feeling of the at- tendees was that EDA tools for ESD are dramatically improving. Workshop B1: Compliance Verification TR53 – Instrumentation This workshop was very informal with over all great discussions. For future work- shops on this topic, attendees would like to see more hands on set up stations with equipment. Attendees were able to ask several questions and get plenty of helpful information to take back to their workplace. This was a helpful workshop for those new to ESD and great support for ESD-TR53. Workshop B2: High pin count ESD device qualification Attendees had significant experience with HBM and CDM testing of high pin-count devices (max. 10,000 pins) and were eager to learn about possible solutions. There was lively discussion on several different topics creating a great learning environment for the group. Workshop B3: Correlation between Component and System Level ESD Testing There was some very interesting conver- sation in terms of the issues raised and good participation from Asian IC compa- nies. It helped a lot that there were two OEMs in the room and it was recommend to be more pro-active in inviting OEMs to future such workshops. “Lively Discussion on EOS/ESD Topics” during the 2016 EOS/ESD Symposium Workshops Workshop B4: EOS Analysis and Diagnosis - “Techniques and Methods for Dealing with EOS Induced Damage” This workshop was conducted in the world café format a simple, effective, and flexible format for hosting group dialogue. Overall feedback, during and immediately after workshop was very positive. The audi- ence was much more active compared to regular workshops. A great way to facilitate interactive discussion and problem solv- ing. The smaller groups gave everyone a chance to participate instead of only a few.