JanuaryFebruary 2017

Volume 33, No. 1 Jan/Feb 2017 THRESHOLD TM Inside this Issue: From the President, page 2 Org Charts, pages 3-4 Electrostatic Protection & Standardization Conf., page 5 Winter Virtual Meeting, page 6 April Meeting Schedule, page 7 Regional Tutorials, Shenzhen, China, page 7 Professional Certification, page 8 Volunteer Spotlight, page 9 EOS/ESD Association Volunteers, page 10 Standards, pages 11-12 EOS/ESD Association bundle packages, page 12 2017 Regional Tutorials, page 13 Q & A, page 14 2017 EOS/ESD Factory Symposium, page 15 2017 EOS/ESD Symposium Call, page 16 Calendar, page 17 Photo Corner, page 18 Happy New Year from the EOS/ESD Association, Inc. Be sure to visit us at www.esda.org for all of the latest news, events, and ESD control information in store for 2017