JWG – Human Body Model (HBM) Device Testing

Working Group Chair:
Co-Chairs: Andrea Boroni, STMicroelectronics; Scott Ward, Texas Instruments

Related Documents

  • The JWG discussed the proposal to update the decay time measurement method to move from a linear-based calculation to an exponential-based calculation for the next revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. Data was presented which showed the differences in results between these two calculation methods.

    The JWG also discussed proposals for the “discharge all pins” and charge removal allowances within ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 and how these should be updated within the document.

    ANSI/ESD SP5.1.3 was also reviewed with some minor edits.

  • The joint committee adjudicated TAS comments on ESDA/JEDEC JWIP-001-2021. Additional updates will be made to ESDA/JEDEC JTR-001 – User Guide.

  • The joint committee adjudicated TAS comments on the five year review revisions of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. The group discussed wafer level testing and the status of an update to the user guide technical report.

  • The WG focused on review of TAS comments on the JS-001 “Human Body Model (HBM) – Component Level” document.  All comments were adjudicated except for the definitions of VW, V1V2 and a Note on Figure 4.  These items will be reviewed in subsequent conference calls or face to face meetings.

    WG is also working on changes to the JTR-001 HBM Users Guide and WIP5.1.4 Random Sampling of Power Pins.  Additionally, they will be looking at possible changes to SP5.1.3 A Method for Randomly Selecting Pin Pairs, which is up for its 5-year review.

  • The WG adjudicated the industry review and JEDEC ballot comments on the five-year update of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, “HBM”. These changes are will be sent to STDCOM for a recirculation vote. TAS comments on the five-year review of ANSI/ESD SP5.1.4 “Random Sampling of Power Pins” were reviewed and adjudicated. ANSI/ESD SP5.1.3 “Statistical pin pair combination” will be sent to TAS with a recommendation for reaffirmation. The JWG discussed the proposal to update the decay time measurement method to move from a linear-based calculation to an exponential-based calculation for the next revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. Data was presented which showed the differences in results between these two calculation methods. The JWG also discussed proposals for the “discharge all pins” and charge removal allowances within ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 and how these should be updated within the document.

  • The WG adjudicated TAS comments of ESD SP5.1.4 “Random Sampling of Power Pins”. The document will be sent to headquarters. An update on JTR001 User Guide was provided - work is still ongoing with the hopes of releasing it along with JS-001 by the end of 2023. The status of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 HBM was also discussed, awaiting the JEDEC BoD vote. The group discussed a question on cloned IO pin criteria, awareness of many allowances, and impact on HBM results; further user guide discussion is planned.

  • The WG reviewed modifications made for the limited ballot of JS-001, including:

    • Introduction of an alternative Decay Time calculation method
    • Better waveform verification equipment specifications
    • Better descriptions of the pre-pulse voltage rise detection test and trailing pulse detection apparatus
    • New order of Annex D Figures for better alignment with logical flow
    • Cloned IO definition and flow revision
    • Minor editorial changes

    WG adjudicated TAS comments on ANSI/ESD SP5.1.3-2023 – A Method for Randomly Selecting Pin Pairs and WIP SP5.1.4 – Random Sampling of Power Pins. A review was also given on the status of the ESDA/JEDEC JTR001, Users Guide.


    • The WG adjudicated the TAS comments on the limited ballot on JS-001. There was also a discussion on the alternative Cloned IO method allowed within the document.

      • Information was given that stated a problem was discovered when using this method, which brings the method into question.
      • Additional information will be gathered on this issue to determine if changes need to be made.

      A status was given on the updates being made to the ESDA/JEDEC JTR001 User Guide document.

      • Additional work is continuing within the writing team, and once they have a version ready, it will be provided to the entire WG for review prior to moving forward towards release.


  • During the meeting, the JWG reviewed the status of JS-001 LB, adjudicated STDCOM comments on WIP5.1.4-203, and discussed Cloned IO/Pin Grouping/Exclude criteria 3 ohms/1 ohm.

  • The WG discussed pin grouping and resistance measurements as well as reviewed cloned I/O allowance. The group also discussed round robin testing for ANSI/ESD SP5.1.4 -  A Method for Random Sampling of Power Pins.

  • Documents in review

    • ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS001à 2024 ready for publication
      • Introduced an alternative decay time calculation method.
      • Created better waveform verification equipment specifications.
      • Created better descriptions of pre-pulse voltage rise detection test and trailing pulse detection apparatus.
    • ESD JTR001-01-xx – User Guide à TAS comments to be adjudicated
      • Complete review (JS001 alignment)

    Current Top 3 WG activities

    • Pin Grouping and Resistance Measurement Review (for next full review)
    • Cloned IO allowance review (for next full review)
    • JTR-001 comments adjudication
    • Pin Grouping and Resistance Measurement Review
      • Definitions and allowances
        • Supply Pin Group à metal < 3 Ohms
        • Shorted Supply Pin Group à metal < 1 Ohm (including not APL)
        • Shorted Non-Supply Pin Group à metal regardless resistance value
    • Cloned IO
      • More accurate definition
      • Engineering judgment on applicability of the methodology
        • Suggestion for additional pins to be selected based on design to confirm normally distribute failure
      • ATE in addition to curve trace for functional failure
      • ATE @ 1.5SPL and V1 (one additional part)
    • Round Robin testing to elevate SP5.1.4 to STM5.1.4
      • No parts available
    • 500R evaluation load bandwidth
      • Resistance with different bandwidth (VNA measurement)
      • trr = 11.15 ns to 44.11
      • Current note: Care should be used in the selection of the 500-ohm resistor to avoid resistors with high inductance, such as wire wound resistors, or resistors with high parallel capacitance.
      • Additional requirements needed?
    • JS001 Next Full Revision
      • Supply pin group, shorted supply pin group, shorted non-supply pin set
        • Definition and allowances
      • Cloned IO
        • Definition, methodology applicability, ATE to confirm failure
      • Incorporate JTR reference
      • Definition: “positive clamp test socket” and "non-positive clamp fixtures“
      • Shall/Should use parts already used for another test à WG 5.0 DONE
      • Failure criteria à WG 5.0
      • Caution changing test table or pin association to discount failure
      • Table B N+1 stress with two-channel tester DONE
      • Shorted supply pins à allowance to have all connected to one tester channel
  • The joint committee reviewed the ongoing revisions to ESDA/JEDEC JTR-001 – User Guide. This next revision will be a companion document to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. Current revisions to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 during the five-year review will be sent for TAS review before the June meeting series. There was a discussion on “delay between pulses”.

  • Summary of meeting activities: 

    The joint committee adjudicated WG comments on the five-year review of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint committee continued the five-year review of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. The document is targeted for submission to both organizations by September 2020. Updates were made to the HBM user guide, JTR-001, and it is expected to be submitted to both organizations in December 2020.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint committee discussed the method for HBM testing in general (every 2 Pin combination vs. Table 2A/2B). Then a discussion was held on a strategy for updating ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 during the five-year review cycle to mandate all exposed die attach pads (thermal pads, heat sinks, etc) be considered for HBM stress.  Essentially treating exposed die attach pads just like any other pin on the package. The group plans to update the document and then decide how to address the non-conductive exposed die attach pads (more info in an annex, in the user guide or do nothing).

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint working group discussed the definition of supply pins (per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001). The challenges of categorizing certain classes of pins was discussed (VPP, LDO, charge pumps, etc.) and it was determined that for some of these pins, the clarity within ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 could be improved. The group created a first draft of proposed revisions to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 related to HBM stress of die attach pads (thermal pads, heat sinks, etc.). A short brief submitted to inCompliance was discussed-this is critical as the change may require new HBM test boards to be created. A short discussion was held on low parasitic testers and non-monotonous waveforms and these discussions may drive proposed changes to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint working group discussed HBM pin classification (and HBM testing) on RF products. A proposal to use an Arduino processor for future HBM round robin testing was presented. The product could be HBM tested and the post-stress evaluation could be done at each testing site. This will eliminate the need for units to be shipped for post-stress evaluation for “Pass/Fail”. A discussion was held on continuity measurements of exposed die attach pads (DAP) with “semi-conductive” die attach adhesive. This may present a challenge during continuity verification of testing products with non-conductive DAPs.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A proposal was made for a stress method for the single pin combinations and a proposal for allocating an ESD test device for round robin experiments. This would be applicable for HBM, CDM, and other device level testing documents. There was a discussion on high-threshold HBM testing including three examples from industry. The committee decided that this discussion will be moved to WG 5.0 Device Testing. An article on the challenges of HBM stress on “die attach pads” was also shared.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A discussion was held on the current status of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 and the accompanying user. The document is expected to be ready for review by the end of the year. There was also a discussion on the stress methodology for determining the HBM threshold for a few pins to support the new datasheet document being developed in WG 5.0. A presentation was given showing a small sample of datasheets where a few pins were listed as having higher HBM robustness levels than the product as a whole. There was also a brief discussion on single pin thresholds.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated TAS comments on ESD WIP5.1.4. Continued discussions were held on how to stress products with “exception pins” (i.e., pins with different thresholds that the majority of the pins). More discussion is needed before changes are made to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. The status of the technical report for a ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 User Guide was reviewed and it was decided that many of the annexes in the joint standard will be moved to the user guide.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An update was presented on monatomic HBM waveforms including the initiation of a writing team between meeting series. The status of the user guide for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 was reviewed and further revisions are expected. The joint working group also reviewed questions from an industry user on the current ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001; the questions were related to APL and methods on how supply pin groups are formed and stressed.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An update was presented on monatomic HBM waveforms and a proposal was made for a modification to the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 requirements to allow more sophisticated ways of waveform parameter extraction. The group discussed out of spec 500-ohm waveforms using adapter boards and a 10K shunt on relay-based testers. There was also a discussion on how to stress products with “exception pins” (i.e., pins with higher or lower thresholds than the majority of the pins). This proposal was driven by the work in WG 5.0 on reporting recommendations in data sheets. A few methods were proposed and there is a plan to have this topic covered in the next revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. The status of the user guide for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 was reviewed and it is expected to be published at the same time as the next revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint working group reviewed the current status of ESDA/JEDEC JWIP-001. A discussion was held on current parking lot and new items for inclusion in the five-year update to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. This included a discussion on die attach exposed pads and how to curve trace them. There was also a discussion on a new item related to how to HBM stress products with known weak pins (e.g., RF pins). There was a concern raised due to the new datasheet standard practice currently being developed in WG 5.0. This topic will be discussed at future meetings.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation on the summary of work on non-monotonic waveforms and alternate means for waveform verification that will be considered for inclusion in the next revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 – Human Body Model – Component Level was presented to the joint working group. The information presented will be documented in a technical report along with analysis methods previously proposed by a joint working group member. The group reviewed proposed changes for the next ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 revision including a definition of “pin”, categorization of “exposed pads”, and low pin count devices. The joint working group also discussed the status of updates to the JS-001 user guide technical report and also discussed answers to questions from JEDEC JC-13 on ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 and ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 as part of their review of HBM test method in MIL-STD-883 Method 3015.9.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint working group discussed the treatment of exposed pads and the steps required to include the subject in the next revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. The committee is still exploring how to classify exposed die attach pads that use non-conductive adhesive. The joint working group also discussed a definition of “pin” and a recommendation on how to stress ICs with 10 pins or less. There was a brief discussion on the status of the user guide for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001; a revision is expected soon.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint working group discussed a new document, ESD WIP5.1.4 - HBM testing – random sampling of power pins.  A discussion focused on HBM testing using a two-pin tester and methods to address devices with a number of power supply groups connected on the die only. The joint working group also held in-depth discussions on future additions to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 including exposed pads and stress guidance for low pin count devices (ICs <10 pins, discrete devices).

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint working group adjudicated STDCOM vote comments on the limited ballot revision of JS-001. The document is expected to be submitted for industry review prior to the April meeting series. A discussion was held on the current status of the non-monotomic waveform analysis and simplification of decay constant determination.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The joint working group reviewed comments from the JEDEC JC10 limited ballot for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. A proposal presentation was given for a standard practice on pin selection using sampling for the terminal B pins during stress using a two pin tester. Technical considerations on non-monotonic HBM waveforms and “exposed pads” were also discussed. Both topics will be explored further in more detail during upcoming meetings.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An introduction to HBM JWG and past work / work in progress was presented. The committee reviewed the status of the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 limited ballot and reworked the schedule for a goal of publishing in December 2016. The working group also reviewed the status of ESD WIP5.1.3, a standard practice for random pin pairs, and a new proposal for a standard practice on two-pin testing improvements.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed the newest revisions to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 regarding failure windows. The document updates will be submitted to the technical and administrative support (TAS) committee immediately following the April meeting series. The goal is to submit a final document to the ESDA Standards Committee (STDCOM) and JEDEC’s JC14.1 for vote in May.

    The joint WG also discussed a proposal for multiple pin supply pin groups shorted on the die only. There are concerns about the 10-90% rise-time measurement method so a small sub-group has been formed to analyze the issue and report back to the full team prior to the next teleconference.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed the addition of “less than 50 V” allowance during the next revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001. A proposal was presented for multiple pin supply pin groups shorted on the die only. A brief history of the WG was also presented for new meeting attendees.