WG 1.0 - Wrist Straps

Working Group Chair:
Craig Zander, Transforming Technologies

Related Documents

  • The WG discussed the TR1 “Survey of Constant Monitors for Wrist Straps”, which had been reformatted by headquarters.

  • The WG adjudicated STDCOM recicrulation vote comments. There were no technical changes made. The document will be submitted for industry review before the September meeting series. A solicitation was made for anyone interested in participating in the industry review. The WG began reviewing and updating ESD TR1.0-01 on continuous monitors.

  • The WG adjudicated industry review comments and continued the review of ESD TR1.0-01 with WG comments.

  • The WG the review of TR1 “Survey of Constant Monitors for Wrist Straps” and will be sending out to members for review and comment again.

    It was also noted that the WG needs to review the wrist strap and continuous monitor sections of the newly release of TR20.20.

  • A presentation was given by IonaTech on personal voltage monitoring technology in response to the efforts of the WG on the technical report on “Survey of Constant Monitors for Wrist Straps”.

    The WG discussed the wrist strap section of ESD TR2020 and focused on whether there was an impact on other documents within the WG.

  • The WG completed the review of the wrist strap section for ESD TR20.20. The WG also reviewed some of the constant monitor section of TR20.20. Additional work will be done in virtual meetings to complete the review.

  • The WG reviewed Technical Report ESD TR1.0-01-2X “Survey of Constant (Continuous) Monitors for Wrist Straps” and discussed the status and contents of the document.

    Main changes requested:

    • Combine sections on different continuous monitors.
    • Add subsections on technologies (method) of constant monitors and pros and cons.
    • Add a more detailed description of the procedure to verify grounding and alarming.
    • Address grounding requirements of continuous monitors and monitoring of grounding

    The group also discussed the inclusion of “dual-wire wrist straps” in a future revision of ANSI/ESD S1.1 (currently not covered in any document, other than ESD TR1.0-01-01).

  • The WG completed an update to the continuous monitor section for TR20.20. The WG reviewed ESD TR1.0-01-2X “Survey of Constant (Continuous) Monitors for Wrist Straps” and discussed the status and contents of the document.

  • The committee continued reviewing TR1.0–01; need to continue updating to include new technologies.

  • The committee continued reviewing TR1.0–01 and created an experiment team for continuous monitor testing.

  • The WG adjudicated STDCOM VBM comments. There were no technical changes made. The document will be submitted for industry review before the June meeting series. The WG will begin reviewing and updating ESD TR1.0-01 on continuous monitors.

  • Summary of meeting activities: 

    The working group adjudicated TAS comments. The document will be sent to HQ for STDCOM vote. WG members will review TR1.0-01-01 between meeting series.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The WG continued reviewing five-year updates to ANSI/ESD S1.1. A question was raised about the similar test method in Sections 7.1 and 7.10. Testing will be completed between meeting series to determine if there is a difference in results. If there is no difference, the sections will be combined.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group finished reviewing changes from TAS comments on ESD WIP1.1. The document will be submitted for STDCOM VBM before the April meeting series.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed new revisions and the addition of a voltage test in ESD WIP1.1. The document is expected to be sent to TAS by mid-September.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed TAS comments on ESD WIP1.1. Two figures to demonstrate the test procedure were added and other figures were rearranged. A discussion was held on adding a dual wire wrist strap test method. The group also discussed adding a procedure to verify that continuous monitors are actually keeping operators below 100 volts. Verification testing will be conducted before the procedure is added to the document. The procedure has already been validated by ANSI/ESD STM97.2.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group continued adjudicating TAS comments on ESD WIP1.1. Further updates are needed before submission for STDCOM vote. A discussion was held on adding a dual wire wrist strap qualification procedure. Members will submit examples of available methods for review by the committee. The group also discussed adding a procedure to verify that continuous monitors are keeping operators below 100 volts.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group adjudicated TAS comments on ESD WIP1.1. Further updates will be reviewed at the April face-to-face meeting. A discussion was held on the potential need for a test method for split-band/dual wire wrist straps for resistance/voltage monitors.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the status of the five-year update to ANSI/ESD S1.1. Updates to formatting and figures were made. The document will be submitted to TAS for review before the winter virtual meeting series. The group also continued discussions on updates to ESD TR1.0-01 that included providing more guidance on what each type of monitor does to help in selection of technology for individual applications; and creating a table of the different types of monitors available and what information they provide. An updated document is expected to be distributed to the working group for review between meeting series.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the status of ANSI/ESD S1.1 during the five-year review cycle; the document has been submitted for TAS review. The group also reviewed the status of the revisions to ESD TR1.0-01. Further discussion will be held at the September face-to-face meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed and continued editing ANSI/ESD S1.1 during the five-year review cycle. Reviewed S1.1 edits and changes. The primary technical change will be changing the greater than/equal to symbols of limits to match ANSI/ESD S20.20. 

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the status of the five-year review of ANSI/ESD S1.1. Changes will be made to align the requirements with ANSI/ESD S20.20. There was also a discussion on ESD TR1.0-01 and a decision was made to remove any monitoring sections not related to wrist straps and worksurfaces.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee continued the five-year review of ANSI/ESD S1.1 – wrist straps; technical changes are expected. The revised document will be sent to the Technical and Administrative Support committee before the end of the year. The committee also continued the review of ESD TR1.0-01 – Survey of Constant (Continuous) Monitors for Wrist Straps.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed working group member comments on ESD TR1.0-01. The committee also started the five-year review of ANSI/ESD S1.1 – wrist straps.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed working group member comments on ESD TR1.0-01. The committee also started the five-year review of ANSI/ESD S1.1 – wrist straps.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed working group member comments on ESD TR1.0-01 and discussions were held regarding the proposal to re-designate the document as a standard practice.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed proposed changes to ESD TR1.0-01, Survey of Constant (Continuous) Monitors for wrist straps. Further review and discussion will be held between meeting series. The committee will begin the five-year review of ANSI/ESD S1.1 – Wrist Straps at the January virtual meeting series.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group is reactivated and began the review and update ESD TR1.0-01, Survey of Constant (Continuous) Monitors for wrist straps. Discussions were held about the possibility of redesignating the document as a standard practice. WG member comments were reviewed and the document will be distributed for further review.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A brief meeting was held to discuss interest of potential members to reactivate the working group to begin reviewing currently published technical reports for continued relevancy and accuracy. The documents will be distributed prior to the July virtual meeting.