WG 12.0 – Seating

Working Group Chair:
Wolfgang Stadler, Intel Germany Services GmbH

Related Documents

  • The WG reconvened for a 5-year review of ANSI/ESD STM12.1. The document was reviewed and discussions were had on particular section. Agreed on changes of document, including changes discussed in Manufacturing Task Team.

  • The WG discussed and decided on the comments of the WG review of ANSI/ESD WIP12.1. The Manufacturing Task Team will discuss the verification of the metrology chain in the Annex.

  • WG discussed and adjudicated comments from the TAS review of ESD WIP12.1. The document is ready to be sent back to Operations for preparation for the next steps. Topics were identified to be addressed in the next revision of ANSI/ESD STM12.1, requiring significant technical work of WG.

  • Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews during the most recent WG meeting.

    • Discussed/adjudicated comments of STDCOM vote on ANSI/ESD WIP12.1
      • Total 20 STDCOM comments (10 technical); all comments resolved/agreed on in WG
      • No vote resolved; reviewer agrees to the current solution
      • Technical changes in ANSI/ESD WIP12.1 will require STDCOM re-vote
    • Topics identified for being considered in next revision of ANSI/ESD STM12.1 (discussion of topics will start after release of current ANSI/ESD WIP12.1):
      • Clarify the need for resistance measurements of all components of a chair, particularly the footrest, etc.
      • Add drag chain measurement discussion – addresses potential issues for several ESD control items
      • Consider adding floor creepers and mobile area platforms for personnel and other “seating objects”
      • Discussion for charge generation on chairs during movement – does the resistance measurement correlate with charge dissipation and generation?



  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group adjudicated industry review comments on ESD DSTM12.1. The document will be submitted for publication following the meeting series. A presentation titled “Are ESD Chairs Good Enough to Be Used as Primary Means of Personnel Grounding?” was given and introduces measurement methodologies for assessing body voltage generation of a person seated on an ESD chair. A decision was made to move the discussion to WG 97 since methodology is using same equipment and methodology as ANSI/ESD STM97.2. Since the WG is not currently working on active projects, the WG will go dormant.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group adjudicated STDCOM vote comments on ESD WIP12.1. The document is expected to be submitted for industry review between meetings. A discussion was continued on body voltage measurements of person seated on an ESD chair. Further ideas of measurement methodologies (for example resistance measurements of back rest) will be discussed in the September meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group adjudicated TAS comments on ESD WIP12.1. The document is expected to be submitted for STDCOM vote between meetings. Body voltage measurements of person seated on an ESD chair was discussed and a decision was made to approach body voltage measurements as a general topic in WG 97. Further ideas of measurement methodologies (for example resistance measurements of back rest) were collected and will be discussed in the next meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group discussed and agreed on proposed technical changes in ANSI/ESD STM12.1 to reduce the overall number of tests by checking resistance between groundable points and selecting one groundable points for all resistance tests. The document is expected to go to TAS before the April meeting series. A discussion was held on further possible measurements methods, for example system test of chairs as defined in TR53; discussions will continue at the April face-to-face meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    ANSI/ESD STM12.1 was reviewed for a five-year review cycle. The group decided to reduce the overall number of tests required by checking resistance between groundable points and select one groundable point for all resistance tests. The document is expected to be submitted to TAS after the winter virtual meeting series. Discussion was also held on further possible measurements methods, for example, system test of chairs as defined in ESD TR53.