WG 14.0 – System Level ESD

Working Group Chair:
Thomas Meuse, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Related Documents

  • The WG discussed a proposed “direct pin injection stress” test requirement, asking that a TR or SP be created for this method. The motivation for this is to allow everyone having to perform this test to perform it in the same way. One suggestion was to create a TR on the pitfalls of using an IEC gun to perform direct pin discharge testing, as the use of an ESD gun is a big concern for direct injection. Another suggestion was to put together an annex on “direct pin discharge” and try to get it into the IEC 61000-4-2 document which is presently under review.

    Focus shifted to the development of a TR/SP on cable discharge event (CDE). A proposed draft was circulated to members. Members decided to switch to more of a system-level test method than a device-level method.

    A presentation was given on inductive current probes for system ESD events. The presentation covered issues seen with certain inductive current probes and possible ways of addressing the issues using new probes.

  • ANSI/ESD SP14.5-2021 will be published shortly after the June meeting series. The group continued reviewing and discussing a new CDE document being developed.

  • The working group announced the release of ANSI/ESD SP14.5. The group discussed and reviewed a new standard practice being developed on cable discharge event (CDE).

  • The focus of the meeting was initially going to be on the development of a document for Cable Discharge Event (CDE).  However, during the initial discussions a question was asked as to whether there was a requirement for “direct pin injection testing”?  As this is outside on the proposed CDE method the WG needs to discuss whether a separate test method needs to be developed. 

    The CDE document development will be discussed in a future conference call or face to face meeting.

  • The agenda for the meeting is:

    1. Introduction & ESDA Meeting Policies
    2. Review of Published Documents
    3. Action items review (I’ve attached the Minutes from June for reference)
    4. Direct Pin Injection Discussion
    5. CDE document update review
    6. Other Business
    7. Next Meeting schedules


  • The WG discussed a proposed “direct pin injection stress” test requirement, asking that a TR or SP be created for this method. The motivation is to allow everyone having to perform this test to perform it in the same way. Most of the meeting was focused on the development of an SP on cable discharge event (CDE), including an update on a draft of the document.

  • The WG discussed a proposed “direct pin injection stress” test requirement, asking to create a TR or SP. The motivation for this would be to allow everyone performing this test to perform it the same way, even though IEC states don’t perform direction pin injection. The WG also discussed the CDE document status, focusing on how this can be moved forward with the main driver stepping back from participation. The group also discussed whether direct pin injection and CDE should be combined. The WG discussed the status of the IEC 61000-4-2 document and the recent changes that were being proposed.

  • The WG discussed a proposed “direct pin injection” test method. The WG discussed the status of the CDE document development, focusing on how this can be moved forward. Could direct pin injection and CDE should be combined? The WG discussed the status of the IEC 61000-4-2 document and the recent changes that were being proposed. The members considered a question originally posed to the TLP WG on whether burst testing could be performed using TLP. This cannot be done due to the required repetition rate.

  • The meeting started with the question of what direction should this working go in. Should we go dormant?

    This led to discussions on a proposed Direct Pin Injection test method.

    • Although the IEC61000-4-2 standard states that this method should not be used directly on connector pins, device manufacturers are being asked to provide test levels on external connection pins.
    • Discussing Direction Pin Injection testing brings up the question as to whether CDE (Cable Discharge Event) is simply another stimulus type of Direct Pin Injection testing.

    Should we continue the development of a CDE document?

    • With the main contributor stepping away, do we have another contributor who can step in?
    • Several attendees felt there’s a need to continue the investigation into Direct Pin Injection testing.
    • Follow-up survey will be sent to find out how many companies are performing this testing.
  • The WG discussion centered around the "Direct Pin Injection" test method suggested by an industry contributor. The Industry Council is developing a questionnaire survey to gather more information on this test method, which was reviewed during the meeting. An Introduction document related to this topic has been developed and presented for reference. There was also discussion regarding a previously worked-on CDE (Charged Device Model) document, but members agreed to hold off on additional work until information from the Council's survey is gathered.

  • WG14 has been tasked with examining a document regarding direct pin injection by Industry Council members focused on ESD target levels, with the group determining that awaiting the Industry Council's survey results on direct pin injection is necessary before considering any document development, emphasizing the importance of crafting a document that the industry will utilize. Additionally, the working group plans to draft a position paper addressing unrealistic test requests from misinterpretations of findings in Industry Council White Papers. This initiative responds to a specific case where a customer requested 400 stresses with an ESD gun on a component not integrated into a system, misunderstanding the intent of the 400-stress recommendation, which aimed to identify specific clock edges prone to causing soft failures in active systems.

  • Meeting focused on a proposed Direct Pin Injection test method

    • Although the IEC61000-4-2 standard states that this method should not be used directly on connector pins, device manufacturers are being asked to provide test levels on external connection pins
    • Discussing Direction Pin Injection testing, brings up the question as to whether CDE (Cable Discharge Event) are simply just another stimulus type of Direct Pin Injection testing?

    Industry Council Survey on Direct Pin Injection testing

    • We reviewed the initial data gathered from the Industry Council to determine where the WG should go with this test method.
    • It was decided we need to wait for input from the Council on the direction for the test method before moving forward.
    • At the March meeting series, a decision will be made to either move forward with a CDE/Direct Pin Injection test method or, have the WG go dormant.

    A suggestion had been made to write a “Position Statement” on the possible misuse of documents, however it was determined this type of document wouldn’t be considered by the “audience” it is trying to address.


  • Agenda:

    1. Welcome
    2. Assign a note-taker to capture the meeting minutes
    3. Review Etiquette and Policies Slides              
    4. Document Status
    5. Document misuse concerns
      1. “Position Statement” document development
      2. This item was closed at last meeting – members felt this was not necessary
    6. Five-year review of ANSI/ESD SP14.5
      1. Review the status / usage of the document
      2. Discuss whether updates are required
    1. Schedule a review of the document by members?
    1. Discussions on Direct Pin Injection and CDE
      1. Industry Council Survey
      2. Where do we go from here?
    2. Assigned Action Items
    3. Other Business
      1. Where do we go with the WG?
      2. Co-chair
    4. Schedule next meeting


  • The committee adjudicated industry review comments on ESD DSP14.5. Two technical changes were made to the document, so it will be sent for a STDCOM recirculation vote before the June meeting series. The group also review and discussed the new CDE document being developed.

  • Summary of meeting activities: 

    The committee reviewed the status of ESD WIP14.5 (Near-Field Immunity Scanning – Component/Module/PCB Level). The committee also discussed CDE documents. A discussion was held regarding IEC-610004-2 being up for review. Any suggested changes can be submitted for consideration by the IEC committee.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated TAS comments on ESD WIP14.5. The document will be submitted for STDCOM VBM between meeting series. A discussion was held on the expected changes to IEC 61000-4-2. The group also discussed a new article on cable discharge event and the status of a new technical report.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed final edits to ANSI/ESD SP14.5 (EMC Scanning) during the five-year document review. A presentation was given on influence of adaptors and cables on the ESD pulse form during system-level ESD tests which created discussion on changes needed to IEC 61000-4-2 and how the information pertains to ongoing CDE work.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee started the five-year review of ANSI/ESD SP14.5 (EMC Scanning). A presentation was given on CDE test methods and different cable types, leading to discussions on test method development. The committee also discussed the next steps in CDE development. A second article, which will be a more technical review of CDE will be written and a technical report will be written to review previous works and information gathered.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed edits needed during the five-year review of ANSI/ESD SP14.5 (EMC Scanning) during the five-year document review. An introductory article written for InCompliance was discussed. Further articles topics was also discussed.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed WG member comments submitted on ANSI/ESD SP14.5 (EMC Scanning) during the five-year document review. The document will be updated to include information on manual scanning techniques and more info on what the method can give the user. An article on CDE for submission to InCompliance was reviewed. A second article, which will be a more technical review of CDE will be drafted. Also, a new technical report will be written to review previous works and information gathered.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The WG started the five-year review of ANSI/ESD SP14.5. A discussion was held on an article being written for InCompliance on cable discharge events. Development of additional technical reports on CDE are being considered.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee started the five-year review of ANSI/ESD SP14.5 - EMC scanning) and held a discussion on cable discharge event (CDE). An article on CDE is being developed and work has started on a new technical report with proposed test methods.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An overview on the history and current activities of committee were presented. The committee continued discussing a proposed new standard practice on cable discharge event and reviewed a current draft. The document is expected to be distributed to all working group members before the September face-to-face meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed a proposed new standard practice on cable discharge event and reviewed a current draft. Further discussion will be held at the June virtual meeting. The group also discussed the development of a TR to highlight all the data that was collected for CBE over the years.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A history of the working group was presented to attendees; which elicited some good questions. The group reviewed the new proposed cable discharge event document and discussed the development of a technical report highlighting previous data.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation was given on “How can ESD compliance to HBM, CDM requirements below 100 volts be proven in a production area?” The presentation showed some of the issues seen in a factory, relating to grounding, CDE, and CBE type events. The presentation was focused on more than CDE and went into other areas resulting in a number of questions. A new standard practice addressing CDE was proposed and a writing team was formed.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation was given on “How can ESD compliance to HBM, CDM requirements below 100 volts be proven in a production area?” The presentation showed some of the issues seen in a factory, relating to grounding, cable discharge event (CDE), and charged board event (CBE) type events. The committee discussed CDE and the development of a CDE document. Data gathering will begin which can be used for a TR on USB data, Ethernet data, and other cables. The measurement techniques used here, may be used for capturing info from other cable types – automotive, avionics, military.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An overview of the WG history and highlights of current activities was presented. An update was given on the status of articles being written to promote ANSI/ESD SP14.5, Scanning. A draft article has been written but additional real device data is required (data that can be presented) to complete the article. The working group discussed how to move forward in writing a technical report on the different possible charged board events. It was determined that it would be best to compile data before trying to write a standard practice for the method.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group discussed an article being written for EDN, a publication that focuses on EMC scanning. The article will discuss case studies demonstrating what the new method in ANSI/ESD SP14.5 can provide the user. The committee also discussed the status of a document on cable discharge event (CDE). A sub-group has been formed to create a test setup / overview of the method that will be used as the basis for new data collection. Once measurement techniques are defined, data will be captured leading to the development of a standard practice.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed articles being written for EDN to help promote the scanning technique outlined in ANSI/ESD SP14.5-2015. An outline has been provided to EDN and a sub-team will be working to finalize the article. The sub-team will also review if a technical report should be written that goes deeper into some of the scanning techniques. A discussion was held on the status of the document on cable discharge events (CDE). The original plan to merge two documents into one has been expanded to include conditions where damage can occur due to cable discharge events (i.e. USB cable, USB cable connected to peripheral device, different Ethernet lengths, etc.).


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed the overall cable discharge event (CDE) document based on concerns raised by members during another committee meeting. Concerns include: Is the calibration target correct? Is the document really addressing the need? Should we change the focus and understand the real world events, before defining the standard? A decision was made to compile all previous data and new data being collected in transient latch-up field, review the data, and move forward with a rewrite of the current CDE document.

    The WG also continued a discussion regarding the dissemination of ANSI/ESD SP14.5 (EMC Scanning) to industry users.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed industry outreach strategies for awareness of test method in ANSI/ESDSP14.5-2015. A subcommittee has been formed to develop a technical report or articles promoting thescanning technique in ANSI/ESD SP14.5. The committee reviewed the current status of the cable discharge event (CDE) document.