WG 4.0 – Worksurfaces
- Status:
- Active
- Working Group Chair:
- Dale Parkin
The WG completed the 5-year of ANSI/ESD STM4.1 “Worksurfaces” document. An update will be made to the drawing and sent out to the WG for a final review, once this is completed it will be sent to TAS.
The WG also started a review of the worksurfaces section for ESD TR20.20.
The WG continued the development of a new TR on conveyors.
The WG continued working on a new technical report for Conveyors Presentations were given on lifting processes – ESD verification and process assessment and measurement of a conveyor.
The WG started the 5-year of STM4.1 “Worksurfaces” document. During the meeting the approximately 50% of the document was reviewed, the remainder will be reviewed in subsequent conference calls or face-to-face meetings.
The WG completed the 5-year of ANSI/ESD STM4.1 “Worksurfaces” document. An update was made to the drawing during the last meeting; however, additional discussions and updates were made during the meeting. The drawing will be sent to the WG for a final review and then sent to TAS for review. The WG also discussed the worksurfaces section for ESD TR20.20. The WG briefly discussed the new TR on conveyors. A request was made for volunteers for a small writing team to move this forward.
The WG continued the review of the technical report on conveyor system measurements.
The WG had a discussion on drag chains regarding size, weight, length and the specifications within documents. The WG also continued working on the ESD TR4.0-02 – Conveyors Resistance Measurements.
The committee worked on the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM4.1. The WG also reviewed a conveyor presentation that represented a snapshot of methods to measure resistance by various methods.
The WG continued the 5-year review of STM4.1, noting that updates to the drawing are still required. The committee identified the need to correct distance measurements within the document to match the drawings accurately. The group planned to incorporate new verification and calibration procedures into the document. After updating the document, it will be circulated among working group members for review.
WG discussed and adjudicated WG member comments on ANSI/ESD WIP4.1. The document is almost ready for submission to TAS.
Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews during the most recent WG meeting.
- STM4.1 document has been updated to current boilerplate including the addition of Annex A Verification Procedure of Measurement Set-up and revision to metal plate description.
- Reviewed TAS Comments - 69 Comments Received – 21 were labeled as Technical and these were reviewed and adjudicated. Which included all of the methods in the document updated to point to groundable point. In two locations the word “Note” was removed and the word “may” was changed to “shall”.
- Figures 3 & 4 were updated.
- Welcome
- Assign a note-taker to capture the meeting minutes
- Review Etiquette and Policies Slides
- Review Status of STM4.1
- Work on TR draft for Conveyors – Resistance Measurements
- Assigned Action Items
- Other Business
- Schedule next meeting
The WG continued the development of a new TR on conveyors.
Summary of meeting activities:
During this virtual meeting, the WG continued working on the new technical report on resistance measurements for conveyors.
Summary of meeting activities:
The working group reviewed an industry document that gives guidance on determining qualification/verification, process, and risk assessment for different conveyors withing a company. The group then continued discussions on a new conveyors document being considered including critical points, transition points, troubleshooting, and general fixtures.
Summary of meeting activities:
A brief history of the working group was presented. The group then worked on drafting the new technical report “Conveyors – Resistance Measurements”.
Summary of meeting activities:
A discussion was held on the content of a new technical report on conveyors – resistance measurements. Members and guests were asked to provide information on the conveyors and test methods used in their companies.
Summary of meeting activities:
The working group started developing a new technical report on conveyors – resistance measurements.
Summary of meeting activities:
The working group discussed the status of the five-year review updates to ANSI/ESD STM4.2. A decision was made to not make changes during the five-year review. Based on the limited use of the document in industry a reference to the document in ANSI/ESD S20.20 will be removed and the document will be re-designated as a technical report. A discussion was held regarding conveyors including current test methods and available document options. It was decided to create a separate technical report addressing conveyors.
Summary of meeting activities:
The committee started adjudicating TAS comments on ESD WIP4.2 which is currently in a five-year review cycle. The group will continue adjudicating comments at the September face-to-face meeting.
Summary of meeting activities:
The committee completed editorial revisions to ANSI/ESD STM4.2 during the five-year review cycle and the document will be submitted for review by the technical and advisory support (TAS) committee. There was a discussion on future work for conveyors. The group decided to draft a standard practice on the topic and will submit a workstatement to TAS for review. -
Summary of meeting activities:
A status of WG 4 documents as of the meeting date was presented. The WG adjudicated industry review comments for ESD DSTM4.1. The five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM4.2 was started and will continue at the April face-to-face meeting.
Summary of meeting activities:
The working group adjudication Standard Committee recirculation vote comments on ESD WIP4.1 – worksurfaces – resistance measurements. The document is expected to be distributed for industry review in October. The working group also discussed the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM4.2 - ESD Protective Worksurfaces – Charge Dissipation Characteristics.
Summary of meeting activities:
The working group reviewed changes to the previously suggested adjudication of technical Standards Committee comments on ESD WIP4.1 – worksurfaces – resistance measurements.
Summary of meeting activities:
The working group reviewed and adjudicated technical Standards Committee comments on ESD WIP4.1 – worksurfaces – resistance measurements. The working group also held an open discussion on the relevancy or possible improvements to ANSI/ESD STM4.2 - ESD protective worksurfaces - charge dissipation characteristics. -
Summary of meeting activities:
The working group reviewed and adjudicated TAS comments on ESD WIP4.1 – worksurfaces – resistance measurements. The revised document will be distributed to working group members for final review and the document is expected to be submitted for STDCOM vote by early March.
Summary of meeting activities:
The committee continued the five year review of ESD STM4.1. The working group reviewed and approved the final proposed changes. The document was submitted to the Technical and Advisory Support committee for review.
Summary of meeting activities:
The committee continued the five year review of ANSI/ESD STM4.1. The working group reviewed the changes currently in the document and discussed further revisions including updated drawings, removing the insulative support from point-to-point drawings, adding groundable point – to – groundable point test procedure, and at the possibility of combining section 7.2.2 resistance-to-groundable point – carts with conductive wheels and section 7.2.1 resistance-to-groundable point –carts with plug-able ground point. -
Summary of meeting activities:
The committee continued the five year review of ANSI/ESD STM4.1. Further technical changes were identified so the WG will continue to address the new changes at the July virtual meeting. -
Summary of meeting activities:
The committee reviewed new drawings and a new section for cart and shelving acceptance tests during the five year review of ANSI/ESD STM4.1. The document will be submitted to the technical and advisory support (TAS) committee for review prior to the April meeting series.