WG 5.5 – Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) Device Testing

Working Group Chair:
Theo Smedes, NXP Semiconductor

Related Documents

  • An update was given on the status of the two documents currently under revision, “ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1 - Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) – Component Level” and “ESD TR5.5-04 - Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) – User and Application Guide”. All received comments have been adjudicated and now both documents are ready to be published. The WG discussed the preparation of a new SP on transient response, starting from the already released technical report “TR5.5-05 Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) – Transient Response Evaluation”. The WG is considering a new TR addressing statistical measurements.

  • The WG adjudicated TAS comments on a new section of ESD TR5.5-04 - User Guide. The document will be sent for TAS review before the June meeting series. A presentation was given with follow-up discussion on rise time definition and measurements. The WG will finalize updates to the five-year revisions to ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1 and submit for TAS review before the September meeting series.

  • The WG adjudicated TAS comments on the five year review revisions of ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1. The document is expected to be distributed for STDCOM VBM. A status update was given on additions to the user guide of rise time verification and reporting.

  • The WG adjudicated the Industry Review comments on STM5.5.1 “Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) – Component Level” and determined that 2 minor technical changes need to be made before moving the document forward.

    Comments from TAS were reviewed for the Rise Time section that will be added to the TLP Users Guide.

    Also reviewed another new section for the Users Guide, which focuses on Pulse Voltage.  This section, along with the Rise Time section will be sent to TAS for review as they do contain some cross references.    

    WG Chair discussed the potential next steps for the WG.  A survey was sent to members for feedback on what they believe should be worked on next.  One item of discussion is the Transient Response, and this will be reviewed in a future conference call or face to face meeting.

  • The WG discussed the preparation of a new SP on transient response, starting from the already released Technical Report “TR5.5-05 Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) – Transient Response Evaluation”. The WG discussed the work statement for an SP called, ‘Characterization of Transient Response of ESD protections using TLP testing’. This will be forwarded to the WG for review and will then be sent to TAS. A presentation was given on ‘Statistical Use of TLP’ as a possible next topic for WG. Discussions followed, with members being asked to forward their views on the subject to the WG Chair. The WG discussed whether there were any other new topics that the group would work on. Selected bandwidth/sampling rate effects as a topic for a new User/Application Guide section was highlighted.

  • WG adjudicated TAS comments on Section 2.11 of the User Guide. The WG reviewed the first data from an idea to use a capacitor and inductor as calibration structures for transient analysis. Initial results are promising and give guidance for suitable L and C values and also indicated some pitfalls that the WG needs to be aware of. WG reviewed the first data on statistical analysis that may be used to develop an SP on the subject. Some suitable data sets were presented, illustrating potential problems. The biggest challenge is automated parameter extraction and subsequent analysis filtering out incorrect data.

  • The WG discussed the technical report on statistical use of TLP.

    • Automated measurement can be done by many; bottleneck is automated analysis (parameter extraction) of examples provided by the team.
    • There was an interesting discussion on repeatability/outliers and sources of variation followed. Volunteers will repeat the experiments.

    There was also a discussion on the standard practice on Transient Analysis with VF-TLP. 

    • After presenting scope and goal, measurements on L/C in 4 probe conditions were shown and used to demonstrate verification methods of the transients:
    • The question was asked: can we extract the L and C values from the transient waveforms?
    • The definition of transient parameters, such as overshoot and turn-on time, was discussed.
    • The measurement window, based on STM definitions, is not always useful for transient analysis. An option is to use reference data on a 50-ohm load.

    A presentation on Ringing Requirements for VF-TLP was given.  

    • Some problems with the present definitions were presented, in particular for VF-TLP. These mainly arise since definitions are based on the plateau or the last point of the pulse.
    • Similar as above, this might be addressed by using a reference measurement instead.
    • Another suggestion is to widen the specifications. Some customers interpret the STM as a requirement that their equipment must meet always. The STM is intended as a set of requirements that have been shown to yield accurate and repeatable results. Other uses may be valid and are allowed.


    If you consider a presentation not yet on the agenda for this meeting, please let me know before Thursday, September 28.

  • A presentation on how oscilloscope usage impacts variation in test results and another on statistical applications of TLP (Transmission Line Pulsing) with examples sparked fruitful discussions among attendees. A presentation on the potential use of machine learning (ML) for parameter extraction focused on TLP curves as an example. The presentation generated engaging discussions, prompting the need for further exploration within the writing team. The group discussed transient response using various VF-TLP methods, measurements for a calibration study, and LCR characterization of the DUTs (Devices Under Test) used in the calibration study.

  • The meeting began with a presentation on preliminary data analysis of vF-TLP Kelvin automatic measurements, sparking a productive discussion with various comments and requests for the writing team. Following this, there was an engaging conversation on defining the transient region and overshoot for the SP on Transient Response, referencing TR5.5-05-20 as a starting point. Later, there was a presentation on the preliminary analysis of collected data in the L&C calibration study, followed by a comparison of simulation results with measurements. Both presentations stimulated fruitful discussions and led to the identification of next steps for the writing team.

  • Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews:

    • TR on Statistical Application of TLP
      • WG Review feedback: only 4 responses received L but with good inputs J
        • Discussed on scope, intention and clarification of terms, writing team will continue
      • Theo gave presentation by M. Nourani (UT Dallas) on 'AI-Driven TLP/VF-TLP Data Analysis’
        • Good Q&A. Mehrdad needs more data. Theo invited everyone to think about supplying data.
        • The discussion will be continued but outside TR scope.
    • SP on Transient Analysis with VF-TLP
      • Robert presented proposal for Procedure to Verify VF-TLP Set-up for Transient Analysis
        • Additional measurements to be done after the quasi-static calibration, extended and short version
      • Andrea summarized measurements by STm/Qorvo/NXP on STm L/C/R/O/S calibration board
        • These can be used for a first application of the procedure mentioned above
        • Some discrepancies were observed between the labs and additional experiments are agreed
  • Agenda:

    1. Welcome
    2. Assign a note-taker to capture the meeting minutes
    3. Review Etiquette and Policies Slides     
    4. Document Status
    5. TR on Statistical Application of TLP (prepared by Theo)
    • Status of TR
    • Short description of paper submitted for 2025 symposium
    • Short description of collaboration with University of Dallas
    1. SP on Transient Analysis with VF-TLP
    • Status of SP (Leonardo)
    • Short description of paper submitted for 2025 symposium (Leonardo)
    • Results of L/C measurements on ST VF-TLP calibration board with different scope/probe configurations (Leonardo)
    • S-parameter measurements of VF-TLP calibration board (Kathy)
    • Tentative: Characterization results of VF-TLP calibration board (Wei)
    1. Assigned Action Items
    2. Other Business
      1. Ringing/Long pulse topic decision needed: active or close.
    3. Schedule next meeting

    Status action items of previous meeting:

    1. Contact Theo if you have measured TLP data that can be used for statistical analysis and/or machine learning. This should be TLP measurement on a set of identical samples. Nothing received. Still possible!
    2. Andrea: send VF-TLP cal substrate to Wei Done
    3. Kathy: re-do selected measurements Ongoing
    4. Theo: send the measurement setups used for VNA characterization. Done
  • The group concluded on a new section for the currently published ESD TR5.5-04 - User Guide. The document will be sent for TAS review before the June meeting series. The group also adjudicated WG member comments on revisions during the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1. A presentation was given on rise time aspects, which resulted in a lively and fruitful discussion. A task team will draft an outline with proposals for topics to be addressed in ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1, ESD TR5.5-01, and/or a new TR.

  • Summary of meeting activities: 

    The group discussed several reviewer comments on the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1. Two sub teams were formed to address a rise-time discussion and the structure of Section 5.0. A presentation on WG26 (system level ESD models) activities was given. A meeting will be arranged to discuss possibilities for collaboration. A presentation was given on a section for the user guide discussing 500-Ohm TLP and suggested wording will be sent to the WG for review.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group adjudicated the second round of TAS review comments on a new technical report, ESD TR5.5-05-20. The updated document will be submitted for publication following the meeting series. Then the group discussed an update to the TLP section of the ESDA Roadmap and also started the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group discussed TAS review comments on a new technical report, ESD TR5.5-05-20. An updated document will be submitted to the WG for review before being sent back to TAS for a publication review. Then the group briefly discussed some proposals for figure updates in the technical report. Some improvement suggestions were received. Revisions to the user guide being developed were also reviewed.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated WG member comments on a new technical report on transient response (Tr-TR). A presentation was given on a proposal for an annex on impedance vs. time during device turn-on for TR-TR. Information will be extended and used in formulation of an annex of TR-TR. A second presentation was given on comparison of 5 TVS devices with comparable datasheet information. Transient analysis shows significant differences between the five different types. An initial discussion was held on high impedance TLP for extension of the user and application guide. The committee will look for example and references between meetings.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An introduction of WG activities was given with a focus on the user guide being developed. A presentation was shown on VF-TLP measurements with different Kelvin and non-Kelvin methods. The presentation showed effects on calibration and impact of Kelvin vs. Non-Kelvin configuration. The group discussed the impact of set-up details on transient behavior observed. A status update was also given on a new technical report on transient response. A full draft is expected for WG review at the September meetings.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A technical presentation was given on measurements and demonstrated the differences between 2 Kelvin methods to measure transient effects using PCB with SMA connectors to connect to DUT. Further work will be done to compare with similar measurements with wafer probes. The new for technical report on transient response was reviewed including a new idea for verification of transient measurement with known inductor/capacitor, similar to use of Zener for voltage verification and a new proposal for a better structure. The committee also discussed information collected on solid state pulsers. At this time the WG does not feel there is enough interest or information to pursue work on this topic.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the status and agreed on the next steps for a new technical report on transient response. Chapters will be improved for clarity, coherence, and examples of applications. The document will be distributed for review and feedback before the April meeting. A discussion was held on solid state pulsers including creating an inventory of available equipment. A final decision to pursue or not will be made at the April meeting. A presentation was given on long pulse TLP that included interesting observations that show long TLP can be useful and also may have implications on ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1 (for example, recommendation on setting and reporting integration window). There may also be additional sections in user & application guide technical report.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The current draft version of a new technical report on TLP transient response was reviewed and expected for submission to TAS in mid-2019. A discussion was held on future activities of the working group with a decision to work on an update to the TLP user guide technical report to include a section on 500-ohm TLP.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An overview of recent WG activities was presented. ESD TR5.5-03-18 was published in June 2018. The status of a TR on transient response analysis was presented as well as details regarding the contribution of Kelvin like measurement. A draft of the document is expected to be circulated to the working group for review before the September face-to-face meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee completed adjudication of TAS comments on ESD TR5.5-04. The document is expected to be published before the June virtual meeting series. A presentation was given on a proposal for a new technical report on transient response. A first draft is expected to be distributed to a writing team before the June meeting series. There was also a discussion on future work for the group; further discussion will be held at the September face-to-face meeting.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A short overview of the history of WG5.5 based on the 2017 year in review presentation was presented to the attendees. The committee adjudicated technical and advisory support committee comments on the new user and application guide technical report (ESD TR5.5-04-1x) being developed. An update was given on a new transient response technical report. A draft is being prepared with the goal to have the writing team comments available for discussion at the April face-to-face meeting series.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed WG comments on a new technical report - user & application guide for using ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1. A presentation was given on analysis of TLP source impedance characterization. Measurement based simulation shows source impedance changes in the first ns after relay closure, but due to delivery coax cable the DUT does not see that. Thus, valid transient response analysis can be done with such equipment. The working group is also developing a technical report on transient response.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation was given on three new sections being propose for the user and application guide technical report currently being written. The working group also reviewed the status of a technical report on transient response.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the status of a technical report on transient response. The goal is to have a draft ready for review at the September meeting series. The working group also reviewed the status of a user and application guide technical report. The goal is to have an updated version ready for review by the July meeting series and a full working group review before the September meeting series.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A brief history of WG5.5 and the publication of ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1-2016 was given. The working group reviewed the status of a technical report on transient response. The writing team has completed the structure and outline of the document and some initial text has been drafted. The goal is to have a draft ready for review at the April meeting series. The working group also reviewed the status of a technical report to be used as a user and application guide. The goal is to have an initial version ready for review by the April meeting series.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed and adjudicated comments from industry reviewers on ESD DSTM5.5.1 (merged TLP/vf-TLP document). A technical change was identified and the document will be submitted for a limited ballot vote. Two presentations were given on TLP-based modeling of transient behavior and will be included in a new technical report. Three new contributions for the user guide were presented on correlation TLP-HMM; contact burn-in; and repetitive TLP.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group adjudicated comments from the Standards Committee review and vote. The document will be distributed for industry review before the September meeting. Status reports of the transient response writing team and user guide collection were discussed; both are progressing according to plan. A presentation was given to introduce the topic of using TLP for device modelling; there was sufficient interest so a more detailed discussion is scheduled for the September meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated additional TAS comments on the merged ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1 and ANSI/ESD SP5.5.2 document. Revisions will be completed and the document will be submitted for STDCOM vote prior to the July meeting series.

    The committee reviewed two examples for the TLP user guide technical report. Further discussion is planned for the next teleconference.

    A representative from WG26 (System Level Modeling) discussed the need for standardized file format for TLP measured data to make model extraction easier. It was decided that the proposal should come from WG26 and be discussed with TLP suppliers.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed the current status of the merged ANSI/ESD STM5.5.1 and ANSI/ESD SP5.5.2document and discussed TAS feedback. Revisions will be completed and the document will be submitted for STDCOM VBM prior to the April meeting series. An update was presented for a technical report on transient response measurement and analysis with TLP equipment.