WG 7.0 – Flooring

Working Group Chair:
Tom Ricciardelli, SelecTech, Inc.

Related Documents

  • The WG adjudicated the remaining TAS comments on the revision of ESD TR7.0-01 “Static Protective Floor Materials”. The WG reviewed the flooring section of ESD TR20.20.

  • The committee finalized updates to ESD TR7.0-01 and will submit the document for TAS review before the September meeting series.

  • The committee continued reviewing ESD TR7.0-01. The document will be submitted for TAS review.

  • The WG adjudicated the first round of the TAS comments on the revision to TR7.0 “Static Protective Floor Materials”. 

    Work will continue on the revision of TR7.0 in future conference calls or face-to-face meetings.

  • The WG adjudicated the remaining TAS comments on the revision of ESD TR7.0 “Static Protective Floor Materials”. The document will be returned to ESDA Operations to move it forward. The WG reviewed the latest draft of the flooring section of ESD TR20.20.

  • The WG reviewed recently completed work, including TR7.0 “Static Protective Floor Materials”. The final draft, with revisions from the last round of comments, was submitted to TAS for final approval. The WG decided to create a training module based on TR7.0. The June meeting series will be used as a ‘kickoff meeting” for this work.


  • The WG focused on developing an outline and some content for a flooring systems training program based on ESD TR7.0-01.

  • The WG reviewed the initial draft of the flooring systems training program which is based on ESD TR7.0.

  • The WG reviewed the final draft of the flooring systems training program which is based on ESD TR7.0.

  • Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews during the most recent WG meeting.

    • STM7.1 is up for 5-year review. We discussed changes that need to be made. All changes to be made involve changes suggested by the Factory Task Team to make all test methods consistent.  These include removing the lower limit from the scope, removing the moderate humidity procedure, adding a meter verification procedure, updating the required reporting section.  Even though Acceptance Testing is generally being removed from other test methods, we felt it was important to keep this for flooring since it is important to validate a flooring system after it is installed.
  • Agenda:

    1. Welcome
    2. Assign a note-taker to capture the meeting minutes
    3. Review Etiquette and Policies Slides
    4. STM7.1 Status 
    5. Review Workgroup Comments on STM7.1
      1. Hope to be able to Submit to TAS following this meeting. 
    6.  Schedule for the next meeting
  • The committee continued reviewing and revising ESD TR7.0-01.

  • Summary of meeting activities: 

    The committee reviewed the existing ESD TR 7.0-01 document. A discussion was started on possible broader edits to make and action items were assigned to the committee members.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee solicited industry reviewers for the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM7.1. A discussion was started on possible updates to ESD TR7.0-01-14.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated STDCOM VBM comments on the five-year revisions to ANSI/ESD STM7.1.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated TAS comments on ESD WIP7.1. The committee will finish between meetings and send the document for STDCOM VBM.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee continued discussing the placement of definitions and edits to a newly proposed annex. The test procedure was also modified for 10 volts and 100 volts.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated new TAS comments on ESD WIP7.1 and discussed removing definitions and additional information for conductive and dissipative flooring from a newly proposed annex.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee finished adjudicating TAS comments on ESD WIP7.1 and reviewed the new annex that includes definitions and additional information for conductive and dissipative flooring.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated TAS comments on ESD WIP7.1. A discussion was held on including or excluding the definitions for conductive and dissipative flooring; at this time the definitions will be placed in an annex.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee continued reviewing and revising ANSI/ESD STM7.1 during the five-year review cycle. The document is expected to be submitted for TAS review before the September face-to-face meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed the status of the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM7.1. Current comments and revisions to the document were also reviewed.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed the status of the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM7.1. Current comments and revisions to the document were also reviewed.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the different types of static protective flooring available, the advantages/ disadvantages of each type, the installation requirements, and use considerations. The group discussed concerns raised in prior meetings that will be addressed during the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM7.1.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    This working group is reactivated for the five year review of ANSI/ESD STM7.1. The group reviewed the existing content in the document as well as comments received from an industry user. An open discussion was held for additional comments or questions from industry users and further feedback was requested for consideration during the five year review.