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Volunteering with ESDA
What ESDA loves About volunteers
E--Efficient, everlasting, and experience
S--Supportive, Sustainable, Steady
D-- Dedicated and Diverse
A--Accommodating and Autonomous
Why volunteers Love ESDA
- We are passionate about working with a collaborative team to produce high-quality technical documents that ensure product reliability, while also taking pride in the impact we have on the global community.
- We love the energetic way of interacting with other fellow engineers in resolving common ESD problems and stay up to date. Roadmaps and anticipating solving technical issues.
- Join a community of experts to share knowledge, mentor, collaborate, and build strategies while fostering growth, learning, and meaningful connections.
SOIC and SOT, by Jeffrey C. Dunnihoo
ESDA Volunteer Jeff Dunnihoo was recently featured by Purdue University’s Inspire Research Institute for Pre-College Engineering as the #1 children's book on their pre-engineering STEM gift giving guide this year, and it is being incorporated into their SCALEk-12 STEM curriculum that they publish for public schools across the country! This will be rolled out on the PBS series "Chip Kids" in January.
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Engineers Choose the Ten Best STEM Toys to Gift in 2024
Creative circuitry and rolling robots make up this year’s top toys for teaching kids to love science, technology, engineering and math
Each holiday season, adults face an avalanche of gift options for the children in their lives. Finding toys that are not only fun but also educational can be a challenge.
For over a decade, Purdue University’s Inspire Research Institute for Pre-College Engineering has assembled an expert-reviewed list of toys that develop skills in science, technology, engineering and math. This year’s gift guide focuses on microelectronics, the tiny circuits and chips that make modern life possible.
With 26 years of experience as a teacher, Jennifer Heap led the team testing and selecting the toys for the guide. Heap is the project manager at Purdue University’s SCALE K-12 program, which works directly with school districts to develop curriculums that integrate microelectronics across all subjects and prepare students for careers in defense-related microelectronics.
“As a former teacher, I was consistently asked each year by parents, ‘What do you recommend for the holidays?’ or ‘What do you recommend for my child’s birthday?’” Heap says.
“So it was important to me to look at some of the toys and books that we use in the curriculum at SCALE K-12, and put some of those onto the gift guide,” she adds. “I knew if kids loved them in the classroom, they would want them at home as well. And parents would want something that teachers are using that they know is good and quality.”
Heap and her team of five reviewers combed through a long list of toys—a mix of tried-and-true favorites and new products from reputable companies—rating each based on what engineering competencies they strengthened. After the preliminary assessment, they met and discussed each toy, selecting their top 40 to include in the guide. In addition to the experts, kid-testers of all ages played with the toys and gave their feedback, which informed the final list.
Heap’s team picked ten favorites, which are reflective of the entire list, to share with us.
“We really looked at what each of our favorites were, and then wanted to make sure that the top ten list was reflective of different age levels, different price points, and that they hit all of the different categories, such as circuitry, robotics, coding, programming,” says Heap.
SOIC and SOT: The Microchips
Ages 4+
In this 2018 book, two microchips named SOIC and SOT embark on a quest to discover their purpose, journeying from a warehouse through an electronic assembly line and out into the world. SOIC and SOT: The Microchips is geared toward elementary school readers, teaching students the base knowledge of how microchips work. It’s a subject that author Jeffrey C. Dunnihoo should be well versed in—he’s an electrical engineer specializing in semiconductor and system development.
“No matter what grade I taught, picture books were so important,” says Heap. The book, also available in Spanish, is used in several SCALE K-12 units. “I introduced almost all of my lessons with picture books,” she says.” “It’s a great way to help kids get that basis and that foundation of whatever it is we’re teaching. It makes them want to know more about the topic.” (Pragma Media, $16.45)
SOIC and SOT: The Microchips
Two microchips named SOIC and SOT go on a journey through an electronics assembly line.
Volunteer Recruitment
You should be glad to hear that by the virtue of my carrying EOS/ESD Association backpack during my recent trip to Antarctica, I was able to establish local EOS/ESD Association chapters among the natives on the distant islands.
Introducing Mary Kay Botkins
I came to ESD circuitously through art. My background from creating artwork lead me to teaching which lead me to manufacturing. When I moved to North Carolina, I applied to work for a clay manufacturer who had a small pottery school and was asked, “Can you explain things?” I became their technical support person.
When I moved Midwest, I had learned about enough about distribution and purchasing from the clay company that rather than apply for a teaching job, I applied to work for a non-art related job at a static control company. In my interview, I was asked, “Can you explain things?” I became their technical support person.
It turned out to be a really great fit, where I would combine my creative and analytical skills with sales, marketing, and regulatory affairs. I live in the valley of a small river town, in a small house with a cat and a garden. The woods are in the backyard with the river and bike path in the front. The library is a mile away. I teach pottery and make artwork.
If you were an ESD control item what would you be and why?
If I were an ESD control item I would likely be a “common point ground”. I’m often put in situations where I’m the central point between people or departments.
Introducing Rachel Rienstra
I am a Materials Engineering Manager at Lockheed Martin Space who stumbled into ESD about 3 years ago; I handle a wide variety of ESD-related issues from troubleshooting production mishaps to assessing hardware damage to overseeing ESD process control. When I’m not at work, I might be hiking or skiing with my husband, gardening, kicking back with a good book, or volunteering at a local school in Denver leading STEM activities!
A continuous wrist strap monitor: I’m a pretty well-grounded person and always making sure things are running smoothly and in compliance!
Introducing Stevan Hunter
About myself--
Enjoy teaching and working with students of all kinds
Favorite hobby: jazz musician
Hunter clan motto: “I stay the course”
For ESD Control, I would be a “well-grounded conductor”, maintaining proper charge balance in all situations.
Introducing Paul Zhou
I am a Staff ESD Design Engineer at Analog Devices. I have a PhD degree in EE from Northeastern University, Boston. My work focus on enabling circuit level ESD simulation in ESD protection design and verification. I have authored or co-authored over 70 technical articles on journals and conferences. I have served as a TPC member for several IEEE conferences and a regular reviewer for IEEE Electron Device Letters, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices and other technical journals. Beside my ESD work, I like to read non-friction books.
I would pick a computer for the ESD control item though it is not a typical ESD control item. The reason why I pick it is because my ESD modeling work using computer has led wide acceptance of SPICE simulation in ESD protection design and verification at ADI which has resulted in eliminating silicon spins in most cases.
BTW, I think I started volunteering from IEW 2013 by joining one WG, a little bit more than 5 years.
Introducing Timothy Maroni
Tim is a Certified Program Manager, and a member of Working Group 3 – Ionization, and was a U.S. Navy Submariner in his previous life.
If I was an ESD control item I would be a Ionizer… Obviously! working for NRD ionization is near and dear to my heart!J
Introducing Colleen Clancy
I am currently a product marketing manager at NRD. My background consists of a mix between administration within Buffalo’s Transportation Authority as well as a teaching career. I also enjoy my family and many outside activities.
If I were an ESD control item, I would be an alpha ionizer because I am an earthy, natural type of person and alpha is all around us
Introducing Andy Nold
I like to spend my free time with my wife and 5 kids
If you were an ESD control item what would you be and why? ESD Shoes. So when I put my foot down, my words don't get lost in the static
Introducing Wenjiang Zeng
I have a curious mind and enjoy figuring things out. I started my career with a little physics background. I have been MEMS process integration engineer, EMI/ ESD design engineer. Only in recently years, as Magwel Application Engineer, I realize that working with other talented minds and helping others on technical challenges are rewarding.
At my leisure time, I enjoy swim, bike, run, making good use of Silicon Valley's perfect weather. Discovering my own athletic potential at a later stage of my life is also amazing.
The crystal ball -- predict whether the design has robust ESD protections. Don't we all hope one of the EDA tool can be the magic crystal ball?
Introducing Greg O'Sullivan
Greg has helped improve Micron’s ESD factory controls programs as part of the Micron ESD Steering Committee, and is currently serving as Boise Site ESD Champion. He is involved with the AEC CDM subcommittee, and ESDA HBM and CDM working groups.
If I were an ESD control item, I would be a grounding wire. Not exotic, but gets the job done.
Introducing Raymond Sietereales
- Tell me something about yourself.
- Making a career out of ESD challenges me beyond my technical limits and at the same time, enjoyed the intangible benefits of being able to travel and get inside facilities, especially automotive which always put a smile on me.
- If you were an ESD control item what would you be and why?
- A necessary insulator, why? I easily gets ‘excited’.
Introducing Benjamin Viale
Benjamin does sprinting (track and fields) and that I practice a lot to always beat my personal best little by little. I am also very interested in topics related to space in general (astronomy, cosmology, astrophysics).
3 – I can tell you what item I would not like to be: an ESD clamp during an ESD qualification campaign. These guys cannot be more stressed than anything else during this step.
Introducing Younchul Oh
I have been working in Samsung since 1995. The first job after graduate school was microcontamination control in Semiconductor Division. My second job has been microcontamination control in AMOLED Division since 2005. I joinded ESDA since 2010 thanks to the ESD sensityvity of AMOLED display
If you were an ESD control item what would you be and why? If I were an ESD control item, I would be a ionizer. Harmonizing and neutalinzing the noisy world with plenty ions is great job!
Introducing Mart Coenen
My work is my hobby. I’m in business now for 40 years and for 25 years having my own company/companies.
I’m doing international standardization for 34 years (started 1985): IEC, CENELEC, ESDA: IEC TC65A/TC77B-WG-9: ESD (IEC 61000-4-2) and conducted RF immunity (IEC 61000-4-6), IEC 47A-WG-9: IEC 61967-x and IEC 62132-x, IEC 62215-x, IEC 62228-x, IEC 62433-1: EMC IC modelling
Owner of several patents, latest one filled this year, involved with Airbus and Boeing airplane kitchen equipment.
Author of many technical papers, presented at world-wide symposia and author of many articles in national and international magazines. First chairman of the Dutch EMC-ESD Society, established in 1994.
This year, May 3rd, married with Marjoes.
Living in Breda, the Netherlands, where I have my work office next to my house with facilities most engineers would dream of.
ESD control element, what to be:
The series element that would accomplish a proper application of SEED, in-between the external ESD protection and the ESD protection element within (any) IC. This to enable ESD robust design.
Introducing Toni Gurga
Something that people may not know about me is that I enjoy cooking. It gives me an opportunity to create and a sense of relaxation when I cook.
I would want to be an ESD event detector because it tells the truth about the environment where it is placed.
Introducing David Girard
Tell me something about yourself.
A lot of people don’t know that I’ve been a Reserve Deputy Sheriff for thirty years this coming November. Reserve Deputy Sheriffs are unpaid “sworn” armed law enforcement officers that assist paid deputies.
I work primarily with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Marine Enforcement Unit. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is the sixth largest Sheriffs Office in the United States.
If you were an ESD control item what would you be and why?
I’d be a Po210 Ionizer with a heating element. This would allow me to say I’m a balanced individual even though I am full of hot air. Another thing is that I could only work for one year and then go on a long vacation.
Introducing Douglas Holtz
Tell me something about yourself. I’ve been in the industry since 2000. I got in just in time to experience the crash. Perfect timing on my end. Something not many people know is I used to do voice overs for TV and radio commercials and worked for years in radio broadcasting. So now instead of traffic and weather on the 10’s I do ESD and Damage on the 20’s.
If you were an ESD control item what would you be and why? I’d be a Corstat Conductive Why? As a sales guy I would never miss an opportunity to shamelessly plug my companies products.
Introducing Peter Koeppen
I am a ESD consultant with ESD Unlimited.
I previously worked at Texas Instruments as IC designer, design manager, and worked with company design and product groups helping them to qualify their products for ESD and latch-up. I also worked with customers finding root cause of ESD, latch-up, EOS, and system ESD failures at customers sites and/or customers printed circuit boards.
One large aspect of ESD control is to reduce and eliminate sources of static generation by providing the needed grounding in the critical manufacturing work areas.
Introducing Han-Gu Kim
Han-Gu Kim received the BS, MS and PhD degrees in electronic engineering from Han-Yang University, Seoul, Korea, in 1985, 1988 and 1993, respectively. He joined as TCAD and ESD engineer in the R&D division of Hyundai Electronics Industry in 1994. From 1997 to 2001, he was an ESD manager of R&D division in Hyundai Electronics Industry and Hynix, especially where he had been charge of ESD manager of processes and products for DRAM, SRAM and Flash etc. He joined as ESD manager in the System LSI business of Samsung Electronics in 2001. He had been in charge of ESD, EOS and latch-up reliabilities for all kinds of processes, analog IPs and products that were developed in the System LSI business. Especially, since 2010 after he promoted as Master, he had supported various ESD, EOS and latch-up issues which had been occurred not only semiconductor processes, products and assembly but also display panel, smart phone, TV, medical businesses etc. He moved to Samsung Institute of Technology in Dec. 2018. He is currently conducting research and development on the reliability of ESD and EOS at Samsung Institute of Technology, and his main concern is accurate evaluation of HBM and CDM and strengthening reliability of automotive semiconductor products.
Volunteer Recognition: Troy Anthony
Time as a volunteer: 7 Years (Since 2016)
Volunteer activities: Standards Committee, Manufacturing Tract Committee Planning, and onsite volunteer work at the ESD Symposium (pre-pandemic).
Why he volunteers: Troy enjoys connecting with other ESD experts and volunteering with the ESDA as well as contributing to and supporting the advancement of EOS/ESD knowledge and standards in a meaningful way.
In his free time: Troy enjoys the great outdoors – hiking, biking, kayaking, skiing – and when indoors, he enjoys tinkering with technology of all sorts, including pinball machines.
Volunteer Recognition: Rita Fung
Time as a volunteer: 4 Years (Since 2019)
Volunteer activities: TPC of ESD Symposium Manufacturing Track
Why she volunteers: Rita enjoys connecting with industry and ESD experts for new project collaboration.
In her free time: Rita likes movies, music and hiking
Volunteer Recognition: John Kinnear
Time as a volunteer: 33 Years (Since 1990)
Volunteer activities: Standards, Symposium, Education and the Board of Directors
Why he volunteers: While attending meetings and various events such as symposium, the greatest benefit to John is the network of people that he has come to know and rely on for discussions on issues that he has had.
In his free time: John enjoys spending it with his grandchildren.
Volunteer Recognition: Vladimir Kraz
Time as a volunteer: 24 Years (Since 1999)
Volunteer activities: Standards, Occasional Papers and Workshops, Both Domestically and Internationally at ESDA-organized events
Why he volunteers: Vladimir says, ‘If you don’t participate in Standards, someone else will do it for you, and you might not be happy.’
In his free time: Vladimir enjoys traveling and reading
Volunteer Recognition: Shubhankar Marathe
Time as a volunteer: 3 Years (Since 2000)
Volunteer activities: While having multiple papers published at the EOS/ESD Symposium, he has contributed to InCompliance magazine via the EOS/ESD Association, Inc., organized EMC special sessions, as well as served in paper review and as a paper mentor.
Why he volunteers: Getting involved with ESDA, provides Marathe an opportunity to be aware of the latest research developments and learn from the experience of other members.
In his free time: Marathe likes to go for hikes on the weekends and explore nature.
Volunteer Recognition: Timothy Jarrett
Time as a Volunteer: 35 Years (Since 1988)
Volunteer Activities: Standards working group member 20+ years, Standards working group chair (WG53)
Standards chairman – 2006-2008, Symposium steering committee member (opening day September 11, 2001),
Elected Board Member - 2 terms
Why he Volunteers: Tim said, ‘I like to benchmark with other organizations.’
In his Free Time: Tim likes to play drums with his band.
Volunteer Recognition: Eleonora Gevinti
Time as a Volunteer: 12 Years (Since 2011)
Volunteer Activities: ESDA WG18, EOS ESD Symposium Technical Review subcommittees, EOS/ESD Symposium 2012, Chair of the sub-committee titled "Chip/Module/Package EOS/ESD Electronic Design Automation for EOS/ESD Symposium, TPC Member for IEW 2019
Why She Volunteers: Eleanora said, “I volunteer with ESDA, because its environment has always allowed me to cooperate with the most valuable experts in ESD field. Moreover, I like very much being active part of this international community, sharing our expertise, and discovering the newest ESD trends and needs.”
In her Free Time: Eleanora said, “I like to walk in the mountains, and I love running. I also like to read books.”
Volunteer Recognition: Bernard Chin
Time as a Volunteer: 9 Years (Since 2014)
Volunteer Activities: Standards WG, conference committee (manufacturing track), conference panel member, ESD course facilitator (ESD Essentials) and ESD course designer (for ESD Factory Basics for Design Engineers)
Why he volunteers: Bernard said, “I volunteer with the ESDA as it allows me to interact with other like-minded ESD professionals to learn from them, and also to share my experiences to better enhance ESD controls and practices.”
In his Free Time: Bernard says, “During my free time I like to pursue my other interests in digital marketing, finance, and also get to know more people.”
Volunteer Recognition: Timothy Maloney
Time as a Volunteer: Since 1984 (39 Years)
Volunteer Activities: EOS/ESD Symposium (including General Chairman), standards, tutorials, workshops, IEW, and publications associated with all these
Why he Volunteers: Volunteering was synergistic with his job for many years, developing and using skills appropriate for both, and for the last 6+ years he’s continued to volunteer, when he sees mutually beneficial opportunities.
In his Free Time: Tim said, “In my free time I enjoy folk dancing, bridge, and exploring the outdoors.”
Volunteer Recognition: Tom Meuse
Time as a Volunteer: 30+ Years (Since the 90’s)
Volunteer Activities: Standards Committees, Device Level Test Standards, Chairperson for an original TLU Work Group and currently Chair of Work Group 14, System Level ESD and on device level working groups, and ESDA Board of Directors
Why he Volunteers: Being an ESDA volunteer has allowed Tom to expand his knowledge on EOS and ESD topics, It has allowed him to meet industry experts, new ESD engineers and also expanded his reach within the EOS/ESD community.
In his Free Time: Tom enjoys spending time with family and friends, boating and relaxing on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire during the summer months and winter activities during the snowy winters.
Volunteer Recognition: David Pommerenke
Time as a Volunteer: 28 years (Since 1995)
Volunteer Activities: Standards, Conference, Reviewer, TPC with different activity levels
Why He Volunteers: David appreciates the technical exchange, plus “ESDA is a fun group,” he says.
In His Free Time: David enjoys Ham Radio, Table Tennis, & Soccer
Volunteer Recognition: Gregory O'Sullivan
Time as a Volunteer: 8 Years (Since 2015)
Why He Volunteers: Greg said, “I volunteer with the ESDA in part because I enjoy working with other ESD test subject matter experts in my field, and find I learn a lot from the collaborative spirit that is part of the HBM, CDM and Latch-up working groups.”
In His Free Time: He enjoys spending time in the outdoors, including time spent hiking, sailing, visiting natural hot springs, riding bike, and spending time with family.
Our Members Share Their Thoughts About Volunteering

Volunteer Events
Annual EOS/ESD Symposium
The EOS/ESD Symposium is the premier event to provide an understanding of issues related to electrostatic discharge and electrical transients/electrical overstress and the application of this knowledge to the solution of various problems. This event is the place to solve your ESD challenges, learn from industry experts, and network with all of the top EOS/ESD professionals in every major company. Our volunteers support every facet of this premier event.
Board of Directors Team Building
The Board of Directors (BoD) is a voluntary group providing our organization with direction and advice. Their efforts are what directly maintain the organization functioning at a superior level. Different team-building activities are held at our meetings to encourage collaboration, teamwork, and fun to help the BoD plan, problem-solve, and resolve conflicts.
Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition
Our volunteers ensure the success of all of our activities, and are the cornerstone of EOS/ESD Association, Inc. They bring camaraderie, a sense of connection to the industry, and a sense of accomplishment and impact on others. To convey our deep appreciation and recognition, we hold an annual recognition event.