Certified Professionals

  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Lor Fook Wah

    DSO National Laboratories
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Lorin Stevens

    Honda Canada
  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Louis Wang

    Certified 2022
  • ESD Program Associate Certification

    Luis Alberto Garcia de la Cruz

    Certified 2021
  • ESD Control Program Auditor Certification

    Luis Alberto Garcia de la Cruz

    Certified 2022
  • ESD Control Program Auditor Certification

    Luis Almanza

    Certified 2024
  • ESD Program Associate Certification

    Luis Escalona Arroyo

    Airbus OneWeb Satellites
    Certified 2023
  • Professional Program Manager Certification

    Luis Velazquez

    Curtis Instruments
    Certified 2006
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    Luis Velazquez graduated with honors from the University of Puerto Rico in June 2004, with a major in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Process Instrumentation and Automation.

    He works as a Manufacturing Engineer for Curtis Instruments at the Carolina, Puerto Rico, Manufacturing site. Working as part of one of the industry’s leaders in motor speed controllers, he was in charge of various manufacturing lines, including the 1244 Motor Controller, which is used in applications such as fork lifts, personnel carriers, and other industrial vehicles.

    During March 2006, he began the preparations to complete the ESDA’s ESD Certified Professional-Program Manager certification by first attending the two tutorial courses offered at Austin, Texas: Cleanroom Considerations for the Program Manager and Air Ionization Issues and Answers. Later, taking advantage of the different scheduled tutorials given by the ESDA, he was able to take the other courses required for the certification, learning lots of information from the instructors while meeting and making some good friends along the way.

    He continues to be in charge of some manufacturing lines at Curtis Instruments, while at the same time being in charge of developing and upholding their ESD Control Procedure, researching and implementing further improvements in their ESD control strategies as part of his company’s continuous improvement efforts.

  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Luka Janc

    Iskratel, d.o.o., Kranj
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Luke Lee

    Innolux Corporation Fab Foshan
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Luke Telford

    Alliance Laundry Systems LLC
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Lum Sek Yew

    On Semiconductor Malaysia Sdn Bhd
    Certified 2018
  • Device Stress Testing

    Magdalena Hilkersberger

    Infineon Technologies AG
    Certified 2020
  • Device Stress Testing

    Mah Kin Yeah

    Certified 2016
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Maik Lasch

    Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH
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