Certified Professionals

  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Robert Dale

    Aisin Electronics Illinois, LLC
    Certified 2019
  • ESD Control Program Auditor Certification

    Robert Gambol

    Mouser Electronics
    Certified 2023
  • ESD Design Engineer Certification (EDEC)

    Robert Gauthier

    Certified 2024
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Robert Rennolet

    Honeywell FM&T
    Certified 2021
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Robert Stemmer

    TDW GmbH
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Robert W. Cross

    Sandia National Laboratories
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Roberto Jr V. Perculeza

    Belimo Aircontrols (USA), Inc.
    Certified 2021
  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Roberto Martinez

    Certified 2024
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Roberto Martinez Santana

    Servicios Corporativos Denker
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Rodney Doss

    Samtec, Inc.
    Certified 2019
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Rodrigo Ruffy

    Certified 2019
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Roger Read

    Oregon State Lottery
  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Roger Smith

    Smith Loera SA de CV
    Certified 2023
  • Professional Program Manager Certification

    Ronald Gibson

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    Ron Gibson specializes in manufacturing process control, training, and facility certification in accordance with ANSI/ESD S20.20. He is well known internationally as an outstanding ESD practitioner and as a major contributor to ESD technology since 1987. He is Celestica International’s Global Engineering Consultant and Corporate ESD Program Manager. He provides ESD technical guidance to all Celestica manufacturing sites, worldwide. Ron is highly experienced in manufacturing technology, packaging and all areas of ESD control in the electronic manufacturing process.

    Ron is active in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as the Standards Council of Canada’s (SCC) national representative. In his position as Chair for IEC Technical Committee (TC) 101, Working Group 5, the important ESD Program Standard IEC 61340-5-1 and Handbook IEC 61340-5-2 were fully redeveloped to be technically equivalent to ANSI/ESD S20.20. He served as the ESD Association’s Standards Chair for 10 years and has been a member of the ESD Association since 1988. He has been active in several standards development committees, a contributor to and past General Chairman of the EOS/ESD Technical Symposium, and served in every association officer’s position, including consecutive terms as Treasurer and ESDA President. As a co-founder and developer of the Professional ESD Program Manager Certification program, Ron has lectured and taught a variety of ESD courses internationally for major corporations and professional associations.

    Ron received the ESD industry’s highest award, the ESDA Outstanding Contribution Award, for his innovation and extensive list of technical contributions. In particular, he chaired the development and launched the ESD Association’s Facility ESD Certification program based on the ANSI/ESD S20.20 standard. This important benchmark is designed to confirm the effectiveness of a facility’s ESD control program and reduce losses, manufacturing costs, and enhance product reliability. ESD Program Certification is provided to electronics manufacturing facilities only through 3rd party ISO9000 registrars. Ron’s team has trained over 160 ISO9000 Lead Assessors globally.

  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Ronald Thomas

    Sandia National Laboratory
    Certified 2023
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