Certified Professionals

  • ESD Design Engineer Certification (EDEC)

    Ting Yang

    Certified 2024
  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Tingkung Hieng

    Certified 2023
  • Professional Program Manager Certification

    TJ Bahr

    ORBIS Corporation
    Certified 2019
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    TJ Bahr is a Project Engineer at ORBIS Corporation in Oconomowoc, WI. He has recently completed re-vamping the company’s ESD program. He is now in charge of implementing the company’s ESD product qualification program and assisting customers with their ESD needs. He has worked at ORBIS since 2016.

    Prior to ORBIS, TJ worked for TNT Rescue Systems Inc., a company that produces Jaws of Life for firefighters.

    TJ graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a master’s degree in Engineering Management & Engineering Design.

  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Tobias Furche

    GRW Technologies
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Todd Brandt

    Certified 2019
  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Todd Higgins

    Certified 2023
  • Professional Program Manager Certification

    Todd Mills

    Honeywell FM&T
    Certified 2017
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    Todd Mills, PMP is a Principal Engineer at Honeywell FM&T in Kansas City, MO.

    Todd has an MS Degree in Engineering Management from the University of Kansas and BS Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of North Dakota. He is a retired Naval Officer with a number of years at sea as part of both the surface and submarine communities.

  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Todd Mills

    Honeywell FM&T
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Todd Yeakley

    Naval Surface Warfare Center
    Certified 2019
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Tom Lux

  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Tom Shirley

    Certified 2023
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Tom Vath

    Protective Industrial Polymers
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Tomas Pasqual Michael

  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Torsten Otremba

    Coriant GmbH
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Torsten Suess

    Gebrüder Dorfner GmbH & Co.
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