JWG – Charged Device Model (CDM) Device Testing
- Status:
- Active
- Working Group Chair:
- Co-Chairs: Alan Righter, Analog Devices, Inc.; Heinrich Wolf, Fraunhofer EMFT
An update was given on the LICCDM round robin FA results and the next steps required to move this method forward. There was also a discussion on whether this method would be a standard alone test or be added to the JS-002 standard as an alternative method for low voltage or small pin pitch device testing. A presentation was given on the results of product testing using 3-zap vs. 1-zap for field induced CDM testing. Another presentation was given on 1-ohm CDM resistor frequency response. There were also discussions on including this information in an annex in ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002.
The joint working group adjudicated STDCOM recirculation vote comments on ESDA/JEDEC JS-002-2021. An update was provided on the status of the LICCDM round-robin testing. A presentation was given on the low voltage CDM discussion group summary from the 2021 International ESD Workshop (IEW).
The joint working group adjudicated industry review comments on the five year review revisions of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002. The joint working group also adjudicated TAS comments on the new user guide technical report – ESD JTR002-01. A data update on the LICCDM round robin was given and methods for improving current measurement were discussed. STDCOM VBM comments for a new standard practice on CC-TLP (ESD WIP5.3.4) were adjudicated.
The WG adjudicated Industry Review comments on WIP5.3.4 “CC-TLP”. All proposed changes were accepted, and the step is to finalize edits and send to headquarters for a final check and publication.
Low Impedance Contact CDM (LI-CCDM) Round Robin (RR) data was presented. The RR test results across the multiple sites showed similar failure levels on the different device types. Failure analysis (damage signatures) are still being analyzed to determine whether they correlate between sites and with expected Field Induced CDM signatures.
A presentation was made on the “Analysis of (small) Coins – Findings and Consequences”. Data comparisons were made on experimental targets to better understand the effects targets can have on waveform repeatability and reproducibility.
An update was given on the new bare die TR document being written. A preview of a paper from this year’s Symposium – “Limitation of CDM Testing for Small Devices”, was presented. Some questions were brought up by members on the limitations. An update was given on the LICCDM round-robin FA results and the next steps required to move this method forward. There was also a discussion on whether this method would be a stand-alone test or be added to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 as an alternative method for low voltage or small pin pitch device testing. A small team was formed to plan how the LICCDM test method could integrate into a revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002. Status updates were provided on ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002, ESDA/JEDEC JTR002, and ANSI/ESD SP5.3.1.
A novel methodology to measure peak current in an IC pick and place process was presented. The draft slides for making a case for harmonization of the automotive sector to accept a Single Zap per pin per polarity CDM (per JS-002) rather than requiring three zaps per pin per polarity CDM were reviewed. The WG members agreed to remove the 1-GHz Bandwidth oscilloscope description and procedure from JS-002 by a limited ballot.
The WG reviewed the first drafts of the limited ballot changes for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002-2022 and ESDA/JEDEC JTR002, primarily removing 1 GHz oscilloscope information from both. The WG reviewed the status of the new bare die CDM technical report. The group also reviewed/discussed:
- zap vs. 3 zap CDM data
- Justification to incorporate LICCDM into JS-002
- Round Robin scope of work
The WG reviewed the changes made by the writing team on the limited ballot of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002-2022 and ESDA/JEDEC JTR002 documents, which are related to the removal of 1GHz oscilloscope information in both documents. There was also a review of the status of the TR draft on bare die CDM testing. There were a few presentations given, prompting discussions on further topics related to:
- Time-Dependent Conductance in CDM and Implications for D2D Manufacturing
- Voltage to Current Correlation for CDM Testing (CDM test of small packages)
- ESD Risk Assessment for Devices on Printed Circuits Boards
- further data on 1-zap vs. 3-zap CDM data/justification
The JWG adjudicated the remaining TAS comments for JTR002 CDM User Guide Revision, reviewed the next steps for CC-TLP with a presentation and round robin data gathering discussion, and reviewed the bare die TR draft status.
Bare Die TR is nearing completion and scheduled for JWG review in the summer before the September TAS meeting. There was a discussion on the CC-TLP Round Robin Experiment, with plans for further meetings to define experiment details and statistical requirements. Updates on the 3-zap vs. 1-zap CDM debate, including discussion on the next steps for AEC involvement in potentially amending AEC Q100-011 to allow a single zap.
Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews during the most recent WG meeting.
- Bare Die TR Update – TR draft complete and in review process by CDM JWG
- Three CDM-related presentations from 2024 ESD Symposium presentations
- CC-TLP Round Robin Experiment: updated Infineon plan presented – JWG discussion, plan for further meetings to fully define experiment and statistical needs
- AEC 3-zap vs. 1-zap CDM. HBM alignment to ESDA/JEDEC standards – plan to work with AEC committee and leadership to align AEC standards in CDM and HBM more completely to ESDA/JEDEC CDM / HBM standards
- Welcome and standards meeting guidelines
- ESDA CDM related documents status
- Bare die testing ESD TR5.3.2-02-2X: status, adjudication of review comments
- CC-TLP Round Robin test: status and update
- LICCDM -> How can we proceed?
- 1 vs. 3 Zaps -> Status, how can we proceed?
- Any other business
- Next meeting schedule
The joint committee reviewed the status of the CDM testing round-robin. A presentation was given on the asymmetry of the 1-ohm disk resistor. The group adjudicated STDCOM VBM comments on ESDA/JEDEC JWIP-002.
- ESDA meeting policies
- Brief review of CDM activities / recent work in JWG – documents in process
- Continuing presentation on CDM JWG waveform analysis report
- Round robin data update
- JEITA / JS-002 team activity
- JEDEC January 21 meeting report
- Old / new business
Summary of meeting activities:
The joint committee reviewed the priority of topics for the five-year revision to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002-2018. The status of the new standard practice on CC-TLP as well as the JS-002 user guide technical report were reviewed. A presentation was given on CDM measurement channel analysis.
Summary of meeting activities:
The joint committee reviewed the five-year review plan and possible topics for revision to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002-2018. An update was provided on a new standard practice on CC-TLP. The document is expected to be submitted to TAS after the April meeting series. The group also discussed the on-going round robin for low impedance contact CDM.
Summary of meeting activities:
The status of the round robin and data collected on LICCDM was presented. Also, an update on the status of the new user guide for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 was given. The joint working group reviewed member comments on a new standard practice for CC-TLP. Two presentations were given on a Symposium paper on an LICCDM study and a CDM High Slew Rate evaluation project proposal.
Summary of meeting activities:
The history of the joint working group and documents was reviewed. Updates were given on the LICCDM / JS-002 data gathering project and the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 user guide.
Summary of meeting activities:
The first draft of a new standard practice on CC-TLP was shared. A presentation was also given on CDM vs. CC-TLP correlation. The joint working group discussed planning and next steps for lab experiments on low-impedance CDM. An update was given on the status of the JS-002 user guide technical report.
Summary of meeting activities:
A document status update for CDM documents was reviewed. A presentation was given on FICDM Tribo-charging issue on 1st discharge. And the group reviewed parking lot items / data gathering team updates.
Summary of meeting activities:
The committee adjudicated industry review comments for ESDA/JEDEC JDS-002-2018 and STDCOM comments for ESD WIP5.3.3. Presentations were given on “Preparing for Future CDM Test Methods”; “A Turnkey Method for Calculating Coaxial Cable Loss Effects on CDM Waveforms”; “Alumina Implementation on CDM Tester Field Plates”; “Problem with CDM Verfication Modules”; “Orion 3 CDM Target Analysis Update”; “Comparison of CDM and CC-TLP Results For A Ultra High Speed Interface IC”; and “Undesired Effects of CDM Stressing Non-Connected Pins”.
Summary of meeting activities:
A brief review of the history and current working group documents was presented. Two presentations were given – the first on “Finite Elemental Analysis Electrostatic Study of JS-002 Verification Targets” and the second on “Capacitance Measurement and Flatness of CDM Targets”. -
Summary of meeting activities:
The joint committee reviewed the current status and next steps for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002. It was decided by the group to draft a CDM “user guide” so an initial writing team was formed and a list of topics was generated. The group also discussed the next action items for seeking harmonization with JEITA for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002. -
Summary of meeting activities:
The joint committee adjudicated technical and advisory support committee comments on ESD WIP5.3.3 and ESD TR5.3.1-01. A presentation was given on CDM measurement effects due to coaxial cable skin effect and dielectric losses.
Summary of meeting activities:
The joint committee started reviewing working group member comments on ESD WIP5.3.3-2017 - low impedance contact CDM. Presentations were given on CC (capacitively coupled) TLP and correlation studies between CC-TLP and CDM-CC-TLP; CC-TLP Applications; and CDM tester improvement. There was a discussion on the next revisions for ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 including a “hardware agnostic” version encompassing field induced and contact methods.
Summary of meeting activities:
A brief overview of CDM, the history of the CDM joint working group, and current documents in process was given. A presentation on CDM measurement errors was presented by a working group member. An update on the status of a new standard practice, ESD WIP5.3.3, low-impedance contact CDM as an alternative CDM characterization method, was also given. -
Summary of meeting activities:
The joint working group adjudicated Technical and Advisory Support Committee comments on ESD TR5.3.1-01-1X. Six presentations were given on the direction of team experiments / writing of a low impedance CCDM work in progress document; two case studies on “Should we stress NC pins?”; three FICDM tester issues reported – NC pin stress affecting next pin stress, single discharge mode HV relay issue, and runt pulses with calibration module over charging plate vacuum hole for higher plate voltages; ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 calibration concerns resulting in large product under stressing; FICDM DUT charging issues and resulting CCDM field plate recommendations; and proposed improvements to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002. -
Summary of meeting activities:
A brief introduction and history of CDM and the joint working group was presented. A presentation was also give on Improving the CDM Test to Improve DUT Failure Repeatability. The committee also began reviewing and discussion items for the next revision of JS-002.
Summary of meeting activities:
The joint working group adjudicated Technical and Administrative Support committee comments on the limited revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002. Six presentations were given on low impedance CCDM (a technical report is planned for this topic); CC-TLP (a technical report is planned for this topic); a new CCDM method (contact first CDM); JS-002 frequency response/test head measurement; Symposium paper 4A.3 on ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 testing; and an update on ERC CDM (measurement in manufacturing) project.
Summary of meeting activities:
An introduction to CDM JWG and past work / work in progress was presented for guests new to the WG. A presentation was given on frequency specs relative to more accurate CDM data. Status updates were discussed for a new standard practice on CC-TLP and the JEDEC JESD47 ballot for incorporating JS-002 into JESD47. -
Summary of meeting activities:
The committee adjudicated TAS comments on the contact charged device model (CCDM) technical report, TR5.3.1-01. The document will be submitted for publication prior to the July virtual meeting.
Four presentations were made on 2.5” vs 4.25” Ground Plate Ferrite Free Analysis; update on Low Impedance CCDM; Measurements of Bandwidth of Discharge Heads; and a review of the small package section 7.5 / Annex C draft for future revisions to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002.
The joint WG discussed plans for future experiments regarding the metrology section of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 and ground domain supply pin reduction. The committee also drafted a response to JEITA regarding harmonization questions and concerns related to JEITA’s contact CDM method.
Summary of meeting activities:
A brief overview and history of the JWG was presented for new meeting attendees. WG member comments were adjudicated on the CCDM TR and a final version will be sent to the WG for approval to submit to TAS. The committee reviewed the proposal for a small package CDM section and normative annex in the next revision of ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002.