Certified Professionals

  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Kavin Jones

    Honeywell FM&T
    Certified 2023
  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Kaviya Palanivelu

    Certified 2022
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Kay Gauglitz

    TDK-Micronas GmbH
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Keith Kok Kuan Ong

    Certified 2020
  • Device Stress Testing

    Keith Walker

    DENSO International America, Inc.
    Certified 2017
  • ESD Control Program Auditor Certification

    Kelly Kenner

    Certified 2023
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Kenan Bajgoric

  • Device Stress Testing

    Kenneth Brooks

    Certified 2013
  • Device Stress Testing

    Kenny Perry

    Certified 2018
  • Compliance Verification Technician to TR53™

    Kerrie Dean

    Certified 2022
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Kerry Siegrist

    Magneti Marella Automotive Lighting
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Kevin Och

    Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG
    Certified 2021
  • Professional Program Manager Certification

    Kevin Duncan

    Seagate Technology
    Certified 2005
    Read Biography Hide Biography

    Kevin Duncan is an ESD Staff Engineer at Seagate Technology, Bloomington, MN. He has been employed at Seagate since 2005 and is responsible for controlling ESD in the Slider and Head Gimbal Assembly (HGA) processes.

    Kevin has been a member of the ESD Association since 2000 and is currently a member of the ESDA Standards Committee, Technical and Administration Support Committee, and Working Group 9.0, Footwear.

    Kevin graduated in 1998 from the University of Wisconsin – Stout, where here received his Bachelor of Science Degree.

  • Device Stress Testing

    Kevin Piotrowski

    Lockheed Martin
    Certified 2020
  • TR53-2018 Certified

    Kevin Sproll

    Conti Temic -Ing-
    Certified 2019
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